The return

Susanno:what's the next training

2nd titan:Bo staff training become one wit the Bo

Susanno:are u a kung fu bear (no copyright)

2nd titan:slaps susanno wit a bo

Susanno:quickly grabs a Bo and whacks his nose

2nd titan:says do you know sun wukong

Susanno:yes I know sun wukong well I heard the legends atleast

2nd titan:we'll do you have any company or associates

Susanno:yes I do his name is kendo

2nd titan:well you might not be the one it might be kendo

Susanno:good because I hated it here

2nd titan:rude *summons kendo*

Kendo:why am I here!

Susanno:what's wrong

Kendo:Kenny has attacked us after knowing you left so I have been fight yami and your father

Susanno:can you use hope to hope them here

Kendo:I can try *hopes ruby there*


*Ruby starts crying and her eye is bleeding*

Susanno:stay here teleport me back aname


Teleports him away*



Susanno kicks his head launching him 50 feet in the air*

Kenny:someone's mad
