Become The Example

"A-Attack," Agrona shouted as his face twisted in anger.

'Are you kidding me? Even Kazees won't be able to get out of that attack unscathed, Anyway, there is no way you could stay like that without any injuries, this has to be an illusion and if it isn't then he surely has to be severely low on mana right now,' Agrona thought, he was quite shaken but he was still confident.

After Agrona's order thousands of attacks flew toward Haru, soul fire, Acid, poisonous plants, black light, Ice, air, fire, you name it.

Everyone sent their attacks with full force, They were all scared at this moment, they fully wanted to wake up from this dream.

But to their bad luck, this wasn't a dream but reality.


Before even reaching Haru all of the spells were lit on fire by dark red flames burning them down in their entirety.

'What?! Why? Why? Why isn't he weakened? How can he do that?' Agrona's face was pale white in fear, his calm persona was breaking down while his legs almost gave away.

It was understandable though.

Even after planning everything like this, it all came to nothing.

The Explosion that could destroy a continent, The Aether Artefacts, His Entire Army, nothing could help him in front of the overwhelming power Haru had.

"A-attack him kill him,"

Many of the Asuras shouted as they ran toward Haru to fight him at close range since magic didn't work.


But before they can even reach him all of the army was smashed into the ground by Haru with his Haki alone. No one was able to resist it as they felt a searing pain as if their body was being burnt.

Agrona was at a loss for words, he didn't know what was happening.

"Now it is my turn to attack I guess," Haru spoke slowly and wooden spikes rose from the ground impaling all of the Asuras on the ground present.

The 7 thousand Asuras and half-bloods were impaled by wooden spikes and died on the spot without even getting the chance to say anything. The remaining 3000 could only watch in horror. Seris and Melzri were included in them along with the other remaining Scythes and Retainers.

No one was able to utter a single word as they could only look at the corpses with horrified faces, they weren't even able to form words since they were overwhelmed with fear as they watched the blood of the ones they worshipped as gods colored the ground.

Agrona himself wasn't any better; this was a power like he hadn't seen before. He knew that Haru was stronger than Kazees since he first met him but he didn't think it would be like this.

But just as Agrona thought that things were about to end he saw a huge shadow cast above him.

Agrona looked up and saw a huge white dragon he knew who it was.

"Kazees you need to help me, this isn't the time for the pa- BANG*," Agrona was in the middle of his persuasion and was thrown back by Kazees's rough landing.

Well, it wasn't a landing, the dragon was thrown on the ground by the figure that appeared before Haru wearing a purple dress that was covered with red blood from head to toe but even the dark red blood couldn't hide the dangerous red eyes of hers flashing in anger.

"My Lord I am sorry to keep you waiting," Queresha looked at Haru ignoring everyone else who were clearly scared shitless because she dropped the leader of the Asuras like a bag of potatoes.

"No, you are quite early actually," Haru said with a smile ignoring the dreadful aura that surrounded the whole place.

"Thank you for your praise My Lord," Queresha nodded and turned to look at the others, her blood-covered body and scary red eyes sent chills down everyone's spines.

"I guess it is about time I put an end to this right Agrona?" Haru spoke as he walked in front of Agrona.

Agrona's eyes were still fixed on Kazees who was on the ground riddled with wounds bleeding like no tomorrow he was still conscious but wasn't able to move since his limbs were broken as well along with his spine. Agrona looked at Haru who was standing in front of him with a small smile. It all made sense to him now.

"..ahahaHAHAHA Good, I see so this what you were after, Hahaha you are using me in this way, To think I would see such a day," Agrona laughed like a maniac, he looked like he had lost his mind and it was understandable since he always thought of himself as the one making moves on the chessboard but unknown to him he was a but a pawn on someone else's chessboard.

"I didn't use you Agrona, you offered your help on your own accord, if you had taken my advice to stay away you wouldn't have been in this position you know," Haru said while lightly shaking his head. And it was true all of this wouldn't have happened if Agrona didn't bite the bait.

"You think I believe that, You are saying that after fully manipulating me according to your plan," Agrona was livid since Haru told him that it was all his fault.

Bullshit, he was clearly set up from the start. No matter what he did he would be killed in the end, There was no other way his path was set from the beginning.

"I gave you choices Agrona, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not because you know it yourself, aren't you thinking if only you didn't collude with Kazees and set up a trap for me or if I only gave out information and stood back or I didn't interfere at all, You had multiple routes but you chose the worst one, And here I thought you were smarter than this, Well desire is such a thing, after all, Your desire to acquire Aether for yourself has put you on the chopping block," Haru shook his head remembering some words from his friend.

Agrona was silent after hearing this, Haru had let him go once and gave him a chance to see if he would take it to backstab him.

And depending on his actions his fate would be decided, it was clear that all that has happened was his own fault. He could've avoided it all and waited out by making a new plan to get another vessel, He was given a choice, But it was all gone now.

"Well then this is the end, be the example of 'what you shouldn't do', [Gluttony]" Haru put his hand in front of Agrona and a dark shadow came out of his palm covering Agrona fully before pulling him in as the dark shadow vanished.

[Y-you what do you want from us?] Kazees was barely able to speak right now, he already knew that he was fucked but it was clear that he wouldn't die since if that was the case he wouldn't be brought here like this.

"I see you are quick on the uptake, what I want from you is very simple," Haru looked at Kazees with a small smile.

Haru opened his mouth while his pressure came out pressing everyone into the ground aside from Queresha who was slightly blushing looking at him.

"All I want is obedience," Haru spoke with a smile.

"W-what nonsense ar-" Kazees shouted but his mouth shut mid talk by Haru's glare.

"Well well, I don't think you understand your position here," Haru shook his head as he walked towards Kazees and stared him dead in the eye.

"I think I'll have to beat the obedience into you then,"


Back to the present,

The Asuras were standing behind Kazees as he faced Haru who had Queresha, Kanae, Hae-in, Jin-ah, Zenobia, and Alea behind him. Queresha stood near Haru while Alea and Kanae were looking after Jin-ah.

"So do you agree to the terms?" Haru asked Kazees with a small smile.

"Yes, we do," Kazees nodded his words causing a lot of noise on the Asuras side.

"Lord Indrath how can we accept this peace?"

"Yes, there were so many of our brothers who got killed here,"

"How can we back down like this?"

The number of Asuras that came here were 2,500 but only 1000 remained now. They weren't going to take this shit as they lost so many of their brethren.

The clamoring went on until Kazees looked back with anger on his face and everyone shut up.