Jin-ah Becomes An Adult?

"The Royal families of Dicathen won't try to do anything against me since it would be like signing their own death on top of that I used Agrona's plan to make rebellions on Dicathen using his spies and traitors," Haru spoke about the situation on Dicathen.

When he heard about Agrona's attempt to try and create chaos in Dicathen by using nobles and other traitors Haru used it to clean off the place with the Royal families help of course.

'The Lance did a good job, Especially Bairon since he had to wipe out his own family, maybe I should give him his storage ring back?' Haru thought while looking at Jin-woo who nodded hearing this, it was a very easy task to get the royal families of Dicathen since they folded in front of power very easily, so now he wanted to know about the other two continents.

"Alacrya's new ruler isn't someone who wants to go for conflict and they know better not to fight against me, This will also be backed by the ones who I left alive after my little spectacle there," Haru had left the 3 thousand people alive for this reason after killing the Asuras and half-bloods like nothing. Plus Seris wasn't dumb enough to do anything against him since he kept his promise of ending Agrona's reign while saving her continent.

'My Lord looked really cool at that time, I even have the recording,' Queresha still felt giddy thinking of what Haru did on Alacrya. Jin-woo was a bit averse to this since leaving survivors could be fatal, but it looks like it won't be a problem with Haru since he thoroughly made the power difference between them clear.

"And lastly Kazees doesn't have the guts to go against me right now and he is more than capable of stopping the other Asuras from doing so if they are dumb enough," Haru clarified with a sly smile.

"I get the first two, but the last one doesn't sound good enough, they are the leading power here and it isn't like you will stay here forever, so I think this can be problematic," Jin-woo didn't know what happened with Kazees since he didn't pay any attention to it and was focused on Jin-ah.

"Look at the sky don't you think something is off about it," Haru said while pointing upwards.

Jin-woo looked up at the sky and then looked down to see Haru's smug face before sighing heavily.

"Where has the moon gone? It was a full moon earlier," Jin-woo asked with twitching eyes.

"I destroyed it, I needed to make a nice impact," Haru smiled smugly and Queresha felt proud once again.

"Hah, you made a great impact for sure, But are you certain it won't cause any problems? Like doesn't the moon affect the ocean?" Jin-woo asked with a skeptical look, studying wasn't his strong suit since he never placed any importance on it and dropped out early because of his family situation.

"No, it won't change anything here and I can make a new one anyway," Haru shrugged and Jin-woo just left the topic as it is.

"This will take care of Kazees as he knows I can destroy his whole continent before he can do anything, Plus I also left a seal on him that would kill him the moment he tries to go against me directly or indirectly," Haru said plainly.

"What if he comes here and triggers the seal? That doesn't sound good," Jin-woo tapped the armrest of his chair.

"Well, if he breaks the seal he will be sent back to Epheotus before the explosion happens, It is a nifty translocation spell powered by Aether, And this is just a pointless precaution since he would never go against me," Haru smiled and Jin-woo just nodded taking his words for it.

Haru only spoke about something if he was fully certain about it and….

'…His habit of totally weeding out the problem doesn't go away, to think he spent nearly 2 months to prepare this stage to get what he wanted,' Jin-woo had seen this side of Haru before and it wasn't much of a surprise to him. He might seem like a cheerful and bratty kid but he is a very thorough and patient one if he wants to do something.

"Alright, then I'll go and look after Jin-ah for a bit," Haru said while standing up after he finished his slice of castella and Jin-woo nodded while heading towards his own room.

Haru walked towards his own room with Queresha following behind him.

"Also Resha," Haru suddenly spoke and Queresha came near him waiting for him to say further.

"This is the map for Agrona's lab where he moved all of his things to, there should be his findings on Aether and many other records, And you can easily get access to the Indrath clan's archive where they kept books and records of the Ancient mages, you just need to tell Kazees that I sent you," Haru said.

"Thank You, My Lord, I'll make good use of this," Queresha smiled and left with a small bow.

"Well with her gone, I should get going as well," Haru muttered while entering his room.

His room was the same as ever with a big bed along with some rather gaudy decorations here and there, If you ignore the big bump on the bed that is.

'She is definitely mad,' Haru thought and walked towards the bed. Jin-ah had a habit of hiding in bed whenever she was really angry or sad but Haru thinks it is the former for now.

"Jin-ah are you ok?" Haru poked her over the blanket.

"I don't want to talk to you," Jin-ah spoke grumpily.

"What did I do?" Haru asked in confusion.

"…" Jin-ah stayed silent for a bit before asking.

"Why did you not tell me?"

"About what?" Haru asked thinking about what Jin-ah was referring to.

"About Oppa taking me back if wasn't able to…..fight ....properly," Jin-ah spoke with her voice getting smaller by the end.

'So she was worried about that?' Haru thought while tapping his chin.

"If we told you about that it would've only had an adverse effect on you, so I asked Jin-woo not to tell you about it since I knew things won't come to this," Haru said while sitting on the bed.

"But what if I failed? I would have to…." Jin-ah stopped at the end.

"I knew you won't, that is how much I trust you Jin-ah," Haru said slowly, he truly believed that she would be able to overcome this wall. Even if he set up the fight, he didn't set up the situation in which the incident occurred. It was a series of actions that led to that conclusion.

"Really?" Jin-ah moved the blanket off her face and peeked out.

"You don't believe me?" Haru asked a bit sadly.

"No, I do," Jin-ah said quickly.

"So you should believe in yourself as well," Haru smiled.

"I should believe in myself because I believe in you who believes in me?" Jin-ah asked quizzically and Haru nodded with a smug smile.

Jin-ah just shook her head before smiling.

"I won't blame you anymore since I needed to get over this wall to get stronger anyway, I also felt like it was time for me to become an adult," Jin-ah said with a smile.

"That is good, But I don't mind you being a little bratty like before," Haru patted Jin-ah's head.

"No I think I should become an adult, after all, So Haru I want something from you," Jin-ah looked into Haru's eyes while closing the distance.

"What is it?" Haru asked.

"You See, what I want is…."




"Wow, this is so big," Jin-ah spoke in amazement while looking at Haru.

"Well, what can I say?" Haru scratched his head with a small smile.

"How does it all fit here?" Jin-ah asked in shock.

"Well it just does, Ask Resha later, So shall we do it?" Haru shrugged.

"Yes let's do it," Jin-ah smiled brightly and….

*Insert ROCKS by Hound Dog (Naruto opening 1)

"This is what you ask for after you said, 'it was time to become an adult'?" Haru said while looking at the big screen in front of him.