Don't Distract Me

Where are the powerstones?


The legs of the bridge shook tremendously as the ichthyosaur's huge mouth bit down on it. A rusty fishy smell of blood and water filled the air. Once the dust cloud settled, piles of shattered concrete and cut steel along with it fell into the Han river as the ichthyosaur bite down the leg of the bridge breaking it.

"We can't get through, the barrier is blocking us," Hyun-sung said with a worried look as he tried to push through the barrier to help them.

"Hyung! Hyung!" Gil-young was screaming while banging on the barrier, it looked like the kid got attached to Dok-ja in a little time.

"Calm down you two, it looks like our voice isn't reaching them, s-" Queresha's words were interrupted by a loud sound, it was so sudden that it brought everyone's attention to it.


"Ow, Looks like brute force isn't going to help," Haru was shaking his hand while looking at the Barrier.

'He used so much power but it didn't do anything to the barrier, is there really nothing we can do?' Hyun-sung thought as Dok-ja, Sang-ah, and Myung-oh stood up on the other side of the bridge. Myung-oh seemed to be injured as he limped and Sang-ah was helping him walk.

The gap between them and the other edge was around 40 meters. Dok-ja, Sang-ah, and Myung-oh were stuck on the other side.

But then something happened.

[Someone has received the favor of the Constellation.]

[The constellation's scenario 'Deus ex Machina' has been activated.]


[Deus Ex Machina - Bridge of Even Numbers]

Description: A bridge of light made by the constellation, Only an 'Even' Number of people can cross the bridge. The bridge will disappear as soon as an 'odd' number of people try to cross it.


"Haha, These Constellations are really something, They know how to have fun," Nam-woon laughed out while the others didn't have words to say.

The Bridge of Even numbers, and there are three people on the other side. It means that one of them will have to stay behind which equated to, one of the three will die.

'Who is the constellation that activated this? Is it the one behind Dok-ja or the one behind Sang-ah? Given what the two have done till now I am leaning on Dok-ja's side, and it looks like Constellations can actually interfere in the scenario but it will be at a cost, More possibilities and things to be wary about,' Haru thought while tapping his chin. He needed to be more careful since some constellations can want to create problems for him if they could pay the correct price. Just one more thing to look out for that is all.

While Haru finished his thought rather quickly the three on the other side of the broken bridge didn't have much time to think since the demonic humans already caught up to them and attacked Dok-ja who dodged. Currently, Dok-ja was facing the demonic humans.

"L-Look at that," Hyun-sung's voice drew everyone's attention to the bridge and they all couldn't help but get shocked.

Han Myung-oh was running down the bridge of Even numbers on one leg...

…..While carrying Sang-ah on his shoulder.

He picked up Sang-ah by force while Dok-ja was looking away and Sang-ah who was supporting Myung-oh was taken by surprise.

'He is running faster on one leg than he was on two, and on top of that he is carrying Sang-ah, Sign this guy up for the Olympics…..if it happens again,' Haru knew that all jokes aside Myung-oh was using a skill, he was running faster than an Olympic athlete while using only one leg.

In a blink, he passed the bridge of even numbers and came into the safe zone dropping Sang-ah.

"W-Why?" Sang-ah asked weakly she was on the verge of tears.

Myung-oh who was panting noticed the stares he was getting from others, they weren't looking at him with contempt or anything but still, it was hard for him to bear with them. Gil-young looked like he was about to murder Myung-oh but he was only looking at him with furious eyes.


"Don't talk Myung-oh, Make sure you remember what you did," Haru said cutting off making Myung-oh turn and see that the former wasn't even looking at him.

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is touched by your kind spirit.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

'Kind spirit? Do they think I am forgiving Myung-oh even after he left Dok-ja for dead? Well, there are two things wrong with that assumption, first, I don't care if Dok-ja dies. And second Dok-ja isn't going to die,' Haru thought as it appeared that his companions have forgotten something because of how glum they were.

Nam-woon wasn't affected by this and threw his arm around Myung-oh's shoulder as he said.

"Haha, I really surprised you pulled that off with how you shout every time, Hahaha this is so fun-BANG*" But in the middle he had a fist hit his head.

"D-Damn you Ahjussi, I'll get you for this," Nam-woon cursed as he held his head in pain. At this point Myung-oh felt happy that Haru didn't bother with him, no one present wanted to take a hit from him after all.

"Look Hyung is doing something," Gil-young pointed at Dok-ja who was fighting with the zombies as a black aura was rising from his body.

"What the fuck? He is copying me, I'll murder him if he survives this, no fuck that I'll go there and murder him," Nam-woon forgot the pain as he shouted angrily while looking at Dok-ja who was using Blackening.

"Is that the person who was on the other side of the door?" Queresha said with a loud enough voice for the others to hear and look at the one who appeared from behind the demonic humans destroying them with only his hands.

"There are two of them now, They can cross the bridge," Sang-ah spoke with relief in her voice. She felt guilt at how they had left Dok-ja behind, well she couldn't even react to what happened but she still felt guilty.

They all looked as the man and Dok-ja stood face to face before the man hit Dok-ja twice.

"T-That guy…" Hyun-sung was shocked at what he saw, the others weren't any different. What was that man up to? Come to think of it, didn't they run from a guy trying to break into their carriage?

"Ho, I quite like that guy. Shit! that Ahjussi blocked huh," Nam-woon clicked his tongue seeing Dok-ja block a punch.

Haru looked at Dok-ja and the man with keen interest. He knew it, something interesting was happening out there. As for how did he know?

'My gut feeling was right, Something is up with Dok-ja, Since the start, he hasn't panicked once, he has been calm the whole time. He didn't panic even after he was left there and it seemed like he was waiting for that guy. Even though Dok-ja tried to run away at first, it looks like he had a plan in case he couldn't, Does he know him? no doesn't seem the case,' Haru thought with a serious look….

[The Constellation 'Desserts For Days' is saying that the ice-cream tastes best when something interesting is happening.]

'…..Fuck you, I am thinking don't distract me,' Haru's eyes twitched but he calmed down and looked at Dok-ja who was talking to the man, from their point of view it seemed the two came to an understanding since the man stopped attacking, but then suddenly the man staggered before he grabbed Dok-ja by the neck and dragged him across the bridge then dangled him off the side after crossing.

The series of actions were so quick the others weren't even able to understand what happened. And then the man threw Dok-ja off the bridge.

"I believe you, you really are a prophet," Haru's eyes widened when he heard the voice in his ears.

"Is something wrong Haru?" Queresha asked when she saw him look around.

"Did you not hear a voice?" Haru asked and Queresha shook her head.

Haru didn't know what to say, he wanted to sit down and think but that would be hard in the current situation because the Man who just threw Dok-ja off the Bridge walked through the barrier.

The man had wide black eyes with thin double eyelids and thick eyebrows. His hair is black and slightly wavy, cut short. He has tan skin, a sharp nose ridge, and a strong jawline. He is extremely muscular; in particular, he has well-toned biceps and thighs.

"Why did you do that to Dok-ja-ssi?" Hyun-sung asked he couldn't understand why this man would do that. It was the same for others as well they were all in shock. Everyone moved back a little since this man seemed to have a screw loose.

But the man ignored them all and only asked.

"You were able to see past the barrier?"