Weird Bunch

"The worst that could've happened was me getting bitten, I can heal that type of wound so don't think too deeply about that, think about how it didn't come to that result, It was avoided by your effort, Are you not happy to see me unharmed?" Queresha spoke with a straight face.

"N-no I didn't mean it that way, I was just…." Sang-ah panicked a little as she stopped talking since it was hard to distinguish if Queresha was joking at the end or not.

"I understand what you mean, you are looking back at the mistake you made thinking if it could've been avoided altogether if you stuck to the positions, Self-reflection is an admirable quality, but it is also bad if you go about it the wrong way, It isn't about thinking about what you could've done in the past since that will be a waste of time, what you need to think about is how to not make the same mistake again in the future," Queresha's soft but somewhat cold voice rang in the bathroom.

Sang-ah couldn't say anything in return while Hee-won also didn't intrude because she was thinking over Queresha's words. The words made a lot of sense to her and she thought that Sang-ah also needed to listen to it or she might make a bigger mistake because of her self-doubt.

A minute later Sang-ah looked at Queresha.

"Thank you for telling me that," Sang-ah's face looked more determined than before.

"Just don't let my words go to waste," Queresha responded simply and Sang-ah nodded.

"Damn I didn't know one can be harsh and considerate at the same time," Hee-won shook her head.

"Well Queresha-ssi is very direct with her words," Sang-ah said as she had seen how Queresha was at work, If you are making a mistake she'll let you know without trying to sound nice no matter if you were a normal employee or a department head.

"I don't see a point in beating around the bush, Anyway let's go out we still have the whole day ahead of us," Queresha spoke while walking out of the bathroom with the remaining bag.

"Sang-ah if you need my help just say it, alright?" Hee-won spoke with a small smile.

"Thanks, Hee-won," Sang-ah spoke with a smile as she felt her heart warm up. The people around her were kind to her which helped her cope with the changes a little.

Before long the three reached the group and sat down, Sang-ah and Hee-won were a bit tired after dealing distributing the items to others.

"So now that everyone is here, I have to give you all something," Haru said bringing everyone's attention to him.

"The number of coins we got from selling the food items was about 4,200 coins we'll split it 7 ways which would be 600 coins for each of us," Haru's words brought different reactions from the groups.

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is nodding her head at your fairness.]

[100 Coins have been sponsored.]

[Several Constellations are surprised by your actions.]

[400 Coins have been sponsored.]

'What is there to be surprised about?' Haru looked at the messages with a puzzled look.

"We're getting coins? Sweet," Nam-woon smirked since he could use the coins to get stronger.

Gil-young didn't really think much of it and stayed silent like always.

"Wow, you are really giving us coins?" Hee-won asked in surprise.

"Of course I am, did you think I am a tyrant or something?" Haru looked like he was hurt by Hee-won's statement.

"Yeah, who knows what evil plans you are cooking up in your head," Hee-won moved back shielding Sang-ah.

"Do I really look like a villain to you guys?" Haru asked as his shoulders sagged a little.

"I don't think Haru-ssi looks like a villain, You are a kind-hearted person," Hyun-sung said what he thought of Haru.

"I also think the same," Sang-ah said with a small smile.

"You guys…." Haru looked like he was about to shed tears of joy looking at Hyun-sung and Sang-ah.

"Hmm, On second thought I don't think you are cut out for being a villain, You don't have the 'Ommfh' that will make people feel dread," Hee-won spoke as she crossed her arms thinking deeply.

"I don't like the way you are saying that, Well anyway here take the coins," Haru rolled his eyes at Hee-won before he gave out the coins to everyone. He didn't listen to Sang-ah and Hyun-sung who were trying to lessen the number of coins saying that they didn't help with much. It took a little persuasion but they finally agreed.

After doing this Haru moved on to the next topic which was the food sub-scenario.

"So now we need to find a way to cook our own food using the monsters," Haru spoke while looking at the others who were thinking deeply.

"Are we going to cook them here?" Hee-won asked while looking at one of the white plastic bags.

"I don't think that will be a good idea, I am thinking of going down the tunnel and doing it there," Haru knew that if they try to cook meat it would draw attention, which isn't a big deal but they aren't sure if the food is edible or not.

"That is a good idea, so when are we leaving?" Hee-won asked.

"Let's just go now and test it out, we can rest after that, Hee-won, Hyun-sung, Gil-young, and Nam-woon can stay here and look after the food while Sang-ah and Queresha can come with me," Haru said as he stood up.

"Good I can rest," Nam-woon said laying down on the floor comfortably.

"I'll keep an eye out properly," Hyun-sung took on his duty.

"I know you will Hyun-sung," Haru said with a smile and it made Hyun-sung happy since he was trusted.

"Why are you looking at me like that Hee-won?" Haru saw Hee-won looking at him with a grin.

"Going to a secluded place with two beautiful women, Focus on the task, and no funny business alright?" Hee-won said making Sang-ah smile wryly since Hee-won was making jokes once again.

"Well, we technically aren't alone," Haru said while closing one eye.

[Several Constellations are saying they are 'sorry for intruding but don't mind us and carry on'.]

[400 coins have been sponsored.]

'Like hell I will let you see anything,' Haru shook his head at the Perverted Constellations.

[The constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is saying she'll close her eyes.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying 'Raiju Explode'.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' is asking you to focus on your task.]

[The Constellation 'The One Who Hates Food' is saying 'Do it'.]

[The Constellation 'The One Who Likes To Change Genders' is saying she isn't interested unless you are turning into a woman.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is saying he is good at keeping secrets.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is putting down his pole.]

[700 coins have been sponsored.]

'These guys are a weird bunch,' Haru thought with a deadpan look.

"Alright let's go," Haru said while picking up the white bag that had everything they'll need before going towards the tracks without bothering with the stares he got.

"Should we go from the way we came from?" Sang-ah asked while turning on her flashlight.

"We know there is a barrier that way which is preventing the rats from coming in, so it would be better to look in the opposite direction and see how far the barrier is on this side," Haru said while pointing in the opposite direction from where they came from.

"Ok," Sang-ah nodded and they started to walk on the tracks. She didn't doubt Haru's words because it made sense, if there was no barrier on the other side as well monsters would've attacked the platform by now.

Turning on their flashlights they walked a little over 3 minutes before they came across a semi-transparent black barrier which was the same as the one they passed through on their way to the station.

"Alright I'll try to cook it here," Haru said while placing the bag down. He took out the butane stove out from the bag and a slab of meat that looked about 700 grams in weight.

It was the meat of one of the wolves they hunted outside, Haru sliced one up and took a good amount of meat from it because they only needed to find if it was edible or not. They can get more when they confirm it was actually edible.

Haru placed the meat on a plate sprinkling it with salt. He was trying to cook it like a steak so he made the preparations quickly and started cooking.


Sang-ah gulped her saliva as the aroma teased her nose making her hungry. The steak in the pan looked picture-perfect, she was so shocked that she didn't even notice that Haru made it.

'Well let's try it,' Haru cooked the steak well done just to be sure that it is safe to eat. Placing it on a plate before he put some pepper on it, Haru cut a small bite and picked it up.

"I'll try it first to see if it is safe," Haru said as both Sang-ah and Queresha nodded.