Five Minutes

The food gathering group of the In-ho group was known for their casualties but those people had no choice or they would starve. Well, in reality, they had a choice….

"Even when I tried to give them food they refused," Hee-won gritted her teeth. There were some women in the group of people who were tricked by In-ho and there was no need to say what they were trying to do in order to get food. In-ho didn't mind how the women paid for the food.

This made Hee-won angry but she was calmed down by Haru and he told her to give them food if she wants to stop them.

When Hee-won went to give them food the women accepted it since they either had to take the food or they had to be ran through by nearly ten guys waiting at the back.

This actually did piss off In-ho since their chance to get coins was gone, yes there were several constellations who were interested in seeing that thing happen.

After that In-ho caused a commotion about how Hee-won was interfering with their group, which grew to the point where if Haru didn't come in time Hee-won would've punched In-ho and the situation would've gotten worse.

And with In-ho involved no one else took food from Hee-won aside from one man. Many things happened last day which was also the reason today half of the group was guarding the items while only half of them went out.

"It looks like Haru-ssi had his fair share of problems as well," Dok-ja remembered the Cheol-du group from the novel but they should've been killed by Jung-hyeok before he left the station. But it seemed like he didn't which caused this problem to crop up. Well, he did hear that Jung-hyeok didn't even stay at the station for an hour.

"It wasn't really a problem," Haru shook his head.

'It looks like Haru-ssi is also angry, because it seems like a problem now that something like this has happened,' Dok-ja assumed.

"She is awake," Queresha's voice brought the group's attention to her and they saw the woman open her eyes looking around in fear.

"There is no need to worry, No one will attack you," Hee-won said slowly causing the young woman to look at her before she started crying.

Haru, Dok-ja, Hyun-sung, Nam-woon, and Gil-young moved a bit away from them so as to not startle the woman while Sang-ah, Hee-won, and Queresha looked after her till she stopped crying before asking her what happened before Dok-ja helped her.

"Those scum," Hee-won's blood boiled as she heard what really happened.

"Why would they do this?" Sang-ah couldn't understand how a human could behave this way.

The woman's name was Do-ah and the name of the guy who was with her was Min-woo.

From what Do-ah told Hee-won, after their group collected the food items the members of the Cheol-du gang attacked them from behind and two of the men were down Min-woo as the other two kept her in place.

They wanted to let Min-woo watch as they raped her, that seemed to be their plan but Min-woo didn't stop thrashing around. He didn't stop even when he was hit over and over hitting the shelves behind him causing a mess. Afraid that it might attract monsters one of the Cheol-du guys threatened him by placing a knife on the Do-ah's neck which stopped him for a bit.

And just as the two men relaxed a little the man shook off the two guys on him and jumped towards the man holding the knife. It seemed like Min-woo used a skill because his strength and speed suddenly increased at that time.

That was when he was hit in the back of the head with a hammer a few times before he died right in front of Do-ah.

"It looks like one of them was out when Dok-ja went in," Haru's speculation was that one of the guys must've gone out to check if any monsters gathered around the place and he most likely missed Dok-ja who exited the place quickly or worse he was spotted but the remaining guy didn't take action knowing Dok-ja had defeated the three guys in the store.

"It would seem so," Dok-ja nodded but as they were talking Queresha came next to Haru with a little frown on her face.

"Did something happen?" Haru asked since he could feel she was upset.

"They were about to get married in a month's time," Queresha said prompting Dok-ja to look back and he noticed the ring on the woman's hand.

The two must've been really happy just a few days ago, But it was all turned upside down. It was downright tragic, and it wasn't for them, no one knows how people have lost their family members, lovers, and friends. That was just how the world has become. A couple who were about to start their life together were subjected to such an end before they could even start.

'I can't go thinking things like if only I arrived earlier, I didn't really help her with good intentions as well. This is the type of world TWSA is,' Dok-ja closed his eyes as his skill activated to calm him down a little.

"I see," Haru didn't say much on the matter as well and the atmosphere around the group was heavy aside from a few people.

"Where are you running to Hee-won?" Haru asked as he grabbed Hee-won's hand stopping her from running.

"I am going to their base to kill them," Hee-won was beyond furious right now.

"There is no need for that," Haru said and the others were stunned, they thought he would agree even Hee-won thought the same.

"" Hee-won understood where Haru was coming from, he was the leader of the group and he had the responsibility to make sure they were all safe, that is how he was.

"There is no need to go to their base, They are waiting ahead, if you act like this they'll get in your head," Haru said as Hee-won looked him in the eye.

Hee-won was blaming herself for not trying hard enough yesterday to help them. The woman told her that the only guy from In-ho's group who took the lunchbox from her was him.

Do-ah told her about how Min-woo gave her the lunchbox with a smile saying 'A kind Noona gave it to me,'

Hee-won thought that she had used her brain rather than getting emotional she could've saved the two of them last night. But she understood that if she got angry now she'll make the same mistake as last night. And it seemed like Haru was trying to make it so she doesn't.

"I understand, I'll listen to you," Hee-won took a deep breath as the red color in her eyes went away. She could see Haru looked relieved seeing her reaction.

"You want to punish them, right?" Haru asked and Hee-won nodded, she still felt like Haru would try to calm her down which was normal since the guy wasn't someone they knew, and doing something like fighting In-ho's group without any evidence would just get them labeled as mad people.

"Do you have a plan?" Hee-won asked as she thought Haru had one given how serious he was. This was also the reason he made it so she isn't blinded by anger. And as expected it seemed like Haru had one.

"If you kill them without any evidence they will become the victims, but if you kill them after getting their crimes out they'll die as criminals," Haru said as he pointed out why Hee-won's way of doing things was hasty.

"How?" Hee-won asked she couldn't see how they'll get in-ho to confess.

"Give me five minutes, You can do what you want after that, Can you do that for me?" Haru asked with a serious expression and after a little thought, Hee-won nodded without hesitation.

"You all can stay here if you want to, we'll be back in a bit," Haru looked at the rest of the group who seemed to be listening in.

"Is that some kind of joke? If there is a battle to be fought, I am coming along," Nam-woon was the first one to speak as Queresha was already beside Haru and she didn't need to say what she'll do. Hyun-sung and Sang-ah also stepped forward, they were a group after all, plus they didn't like what happened.

'I am curious how Haru-ssi will handle this,' Dok-ja thought as he felt like this was the opportunity to know more about Haru's capabilities.

"Do-ah we'll be back after dealing with the problem, you can wait here," Hee-won didn't know how Do-ah would react given that she might see people who tried to assault her. Everything considered it wasn't a good idea.

"N-No, I'll come as well, they killed Min-woo I want to see this to the end," Do-ah's body was shaking because she remembered what happened but her eyes were firm. It seemed like she had made up her mind and Hee-won nodded since do-ah showed such resolve.