Snickers Commercial?

"I have no control over this skill, And I am not free from the effects of the skill as well which means that I can't lie as well, not that I have any reason to, But what about you? Are you as sure as I am?" Haru looked at the Cheol-du group waiting for them to respond.

'So that is how it works, Haru-ssi also can't lie, that is to be expected though, there are always limitations but there is still too much unknown about it,' Dok-ja considered many things in his head as he tried to analyze Haru's skill.


And as expected no one responded to Haru, because they the example of what would happen to them is right next to them.

"…No one? If you are telling the truth then you should step forward and prove it, right?" Haru asked again since the whole area was silent not a single one of In-ho's group moved forward.

'This is a very good opportunity for me,' Dok-ja thought as he stepped forward.

"Please Haru-ssi ask me questions, I want everyone to know the truth," Dok-ja words rang through the area and became the center of attention.

"Alright then, Did you kill the members of Cheol-du's Food Gathering Group?"

"No, I only knocked them out,"

"What were they doing to the woman you saved?"

"They were trying to rape her,"

"What did they do to that woman's boyfriend?"

"He was killed by them before I arrived,"

The question and answers were done quickly without any hesitation.

[The Incarnation 'Kim Dok-ja' has spoken the truth.]

The people could only look at the result in front of them. It was the truth and they cannot deny that.

[Several Constellations are jumping in glee.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

[The constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is impressed by your method.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

"There you have it nothing happened to him, If you are confident that you spoke the truth, come forward," Haru looked at the Cheol-du group members and they all stepped back in fear. This was noticed by the people behind them who could already add two and two in their heads by now.

'The Cheol-du group lied and tried to pin the blame on the others,' Of course, it wasn't just Haru's words that convinced them, there were many things at play from his impression on the people, to what he had done till now along with everything In-ho has done.

Haru's stigma just gives the people another reason to believe him alongside the hesitation of the Cheol-du group members.

"ARRRRGHHHHH Stop it, please Stop this, I beg you," In-ho's screams rang out as he was being burned over and over again, this guy couldn't even handle it for a minute as he started to beg for his life.

There was no end to it, every time he felt like he would die, his body regenerated and he would be burned all over again it was like a time loop but with every turn, the pain got worse.

"It is easy, tell the truth and it'll go away or it will keep burning you," Haru reminded everyone how harsh the punishment was.

'What type of Constellation is sponsoring Haru-ssi?' Dok-ja thought while looking at what was done to In-ho, it was most likely a stigma but the question was, Whose? He hasn't seen such a stigma in TWSA.

Even he himself felt like heavy chains were wrapping around him as soon as Haru asked him questions, this meant that the stigma was real. It was like if he lied he'll be fucked.

'Even the Fourth wall was shaking violently earlier,' Dok-ja knew that it would take time to figure out who Haru's sponsor was, but one thing was clear.

'That is one dangerous stigma, I need to be more careful so that he doesn't activate it on me,' Dok-ja knew he needed to be even more careful around Haru now. No one wants to be around a person they know they can't lie to unless they have nothing to hide of course, But Dok-ja has too much to hide as of this moment.

No matter how much people preach about telling the truth, Humans are full of lies, a human can't live without telling lies, now whether that lie is said to save themself or a lie said to save someone else, both of them are lies in the end.

That is what made the ability even more terrifying. It made one of Humanity's Biggest weapons useless.

Dok-ja understood that there were some limitations to it, but it was dangerous nonetheless. Unless he could figure out a way around it since everything had some faults.

"But I didn't do anything, ARGGHHH," The fire around In-ho intensified as he felt immense pain.

"The more you lie, the worst it will become," Haru said flatly bringing more terror to everyone in In-ho and his group.

"I-I Did it, Please stop this," In-ho's voice was cracking as he had difficulty speaking.

"What did you do?" Haru asked vaguely as he wanted In-ho to spill out everything he had done. But In-ho had no choice in the matter and could only talk through the searing pain that assaulted him over and over.

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden headband' is in disbelief.]

[200 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Goddess of Love And Beauty' thinks you look really cool right now.]

[300 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive plotter' is pleased with your response.]

[200 Coins have been sponsored.]

Left with no choice In-ho admitted to killing the people who joined his group and putting the blame on the monsters and later Haru, while he got donations from some of the constellations for doing such things. He admitted to how he tricked the people into going against Haru so he could get more people by using a skill.

How he made a situation where the woman in his group didn't have any other choice to sell their bodies for food. And even what really happened with the food gathering group today, In-ho said everything he had done. He also ratted out his own group members since they were also part of the crimes.

And of course, those people wanted to deny it but they couldn't say anything because they saw Haru looking at them and their mouths stopped moving. They were scared that they would be burned by the fire as well, they would be lying if they deny it and that was the last thing they wanted to do right now.

"You don't look very good In-ho," Haru said while looking at in-ho as the fire that was on him vanished leaving him lying on the floor he didn't look burned at all as the others expected, but he didn't look well either, his eyes were sunken with dark circles like he didn't sleep for years, He even lost a lot of his weight looking all bones completely different from before.

"Please leave me alone.... I told the truth….. I told the truth," In-ho kept muttering the same thing over and over like a broken record, It seemed like the fire did a number on him.

"That you did, but I am afraid leaving you alone isn't an option, You will have to resume this punishment after you die anyway," Haru shook his head and everyone in the Cheol-du group felt their heart sink into their stomach. There was no escape.

'At least I can narrow it down now,' Dok-ja's list of 'Who is Haru's Supporting Constellation?!' was cut down by a lot. But he also added Haru to people not to fuck with, this was one wicked stigma you won't be able to escape it, even in death.

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is shaking his head at your deviousness.]

[100 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' is telling you to stop eating the monster meat.]

[500 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'The One Who Hates Food' is telling you to eat more monster meat.]

[700 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'He Who Invites' wants you to eat more of the monster meat.]

[1000 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'She Who Invites' is livid but she is telling you to stop eating monster meat.]

[1,500 Coins have been sponsored.]

'What is this? A snicker commercial? No wait that doesn't make sense, Or does it?' Haru put this question away as he would solve it at a later date as he looked ahead at the terrified people that belonged to In-ho's group.

"S-Stay back,"