300 Disappointment

[Activating the skill 'Time of Judgement'.]

Hee-won rushed forward without noticing the sparks of fire the katana was letting out. Reaching one of the enemies who had no choice but to swing at her, since he can't escape no matter how much they run away.

She sidestepped the horizontal swing and swiped the katana vertically slashing the neck of the attacker and killing him on the spot.


But then she was attacked from the left side with an iron rod and could only use her hand to block the attack but it didn't do much damage to her even when it was swung by a guy who the power of about 6 adult men.

As hee-won was killing the enemies, In-ho was on the ground panting hard, his body got weak after what Haru did to him. He had also tried to run away only to fail, now he didn't even have the power to move and he could only watch as Hee-won made her way towards him.

'I don't want to die,' That was the only thought running through In-ho's head, The fire from before had made him feel what hell is like, he was scared of dying thinking he would be sent to hell and burned the same way.

He remembered every bit of that fire, How it burned his skin going through his nose frying his lungs and throat alongside his organs.

He felt everything so vividly like it was done on purpose, every second felt like a year to him, As he kept burning over and over again.

[Desserts for Days: You seem to be in a bad situation,]

In-ho's body jolted as he saw the blue panel in front of him again.

'It is him,' In-ho's mind seemed to have cleared up a little as he remembered something.

'I set everything up for him, is he here to give me coins?' In-ho had set up the convenience store attack for this constellation.

He got a private message like the current one from this Constellation 2 days back.

[Desserts for Days: Make someone feel enough misery that they don't want to live anymore, Do that and I'll give you 10,000 coins.]

After that, the constellation sponsored 2,000 coins just as a normal prize to show that he was serious about it.

In-ho was hooked just by the number of coins he saw. He was a little averse since who knows if the constellation refused to give him coins but he was getting coins from the constellations for killing people plus he got an extra 2,000 anyway, So he would surely get more if he makes the situation a lot worse and makes his victims suffer more agony.

His first targets were the woman, who was nearly forced into having sex with nearly a dozen guys just for food enough to feed them one time, he planned to not give them anything at the end to see how much he'll get for doing that. No one on the platform stopped him since they didn't have the leeway or no more like they didn't want to get involved.

But the plan was stopped by Hee-won's interference which got Haru involved.

As much as he wanted to attack Haru's group and do the same thing with the woman of their group he didn't try to risk it. In-ho was already planning on attacking them after he raises his stats to a high level with the help of the coins he was getting from the constellations.

So he left them and carried out the plan where he targeted the couple, he was sure that would get him a lot of coins and might possibly also get the task given by the constellation done as well. And even this plan was destroyed by an unknown person.

In-ho planned to strike down Haru today since he got the perfect reason for doing it, at first he was going to try and frame Haru's group since they didn't know where the person who attacked his group was, but then again that didn't matter he just needed to get the people on his side and Haru's group would be finished. At least that is what he thought.

In-ho thought everything would work since the person who attacked his group was coincidently in Haru's group which strengthened his reason that he'll win. But that didn't age well.

"Give me coins please," In-ho thought that the constellation wanted to help him since the constellation might want more from him.

[Desserts for Days: Why should I?]

"I'll do anything, please just save me," In-ho needed coins to increase his strength in order to fight back, he had used up his coins prior to confronting Haru in order to stand a chance but it didn't amount to anything.

He knew that the Constellation won't help him unless there is something in it for the latter, so all he could do was offer everything he had since he didn't have anything else. He'll work as a slave for this constellation if he could survive.

His instinct to live was at an all-time high, he thought the constellation would agree but he was wrong.

[Desserts for Days: No.]

"Why?" In-ho felt like all of his life left his body when he saw that the constellation refused.

[Desserts For Days: Don't feel like giving you coins.]

"Fucking Shit, Why? WHY?" In-ho screamed as Hee-won reached in front of him with blood on her face and clothes.

"No, No, NO, Pleas-Urgh," Hee-won didn't give In-ho any time and stabbed him through the neck as he fell down with blood gushing out of his throat. He felt his life slipping away as his blood spilled over the floor.

'Why? What did I do wrong? I don't want to feel that again, No,' In-ho felt extreme fear as his body was getting colder. The fear was too much for him to handle.

[The Constellation 'Desserts for Days' is smiling kindly.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

'Is he really not going... to help me?' In-ho still felt like there was a chance, he thought there was still a little hope but...

[Desserts for days: You are useless to the end, Your misery isn't even equivalent to a gram of sugar for me, I thought it would be a good amount since you were so high up in the clouds, truly a waste of my time. But don't worry I'll reserve a good place for you in hell. No need to thank me.]

In-ho's eyes shrunk as he looked at the message and he could understand. This constellation's target wasn't someone else but him, giving him a high-paying task while igniting his hope that he can defeat Haru and reign over the people. Then when it came all crashing down he tried to appear again to reignite some hope in him only to trample on it.

'Bastard, why….' In-ho died before he could complete his thought, the truth was unbearable for him. He has been dancing on someone else's hands this whole time running around like an idiot.

[Many Constellations are feeling extreme ecstasy.]

[Some Constellation still like there wasn't enough death.]

[The constellation 'Demonic judge of Fire' is happy to see bad people punished.]

[400 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is pleased with the outcome.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Desserts for Days' is throwing a candy since it tastes like disappointment.]

[800 coins have been sponsored.]

[Some constellations have recommended your scenario on the star stream.]

Many of the constellations were satisfied with the bloodbath that had happened at the station. And it even got the constellations of the Pure Good and Pure Evil Alignments going wild since the fight was made as such. In-ho's group were the hidden evildoers while Haru's group were the heroes who uncovered their schemes and brought them justice, just like how it is in the fairy tales.

But unlike the heroes in the stories who lived happily ever after.


Hee-won fell to her knees soaking her pants in the blood of the people she had killed, Even after she killed all of the people who had wronged other people, She felt...empty. She expected it to be such.

She didn't achieve anything by killing the Cheol-du group, and it was true, the lives that have been lost will not come back just because of this.

'Thank you very much Noona,' Hee-won could still hear the happy tone of the young man as he took the lunchbox from her. He looked about 23, a young guy with an honest look. Kind of reminded Hee-won her younger brother, although she thought her younger brother was annoying, he was her only family and it got her emotions into a tangle.

Maybe she could've saved him if she pushed a little more. If she had done something about In-ho's group, Things wouldn't have come to this.

"Don't blame yourself. It is your fault as much as it is mine, that things got to this point," Hee-won looked up to Haru who was standing beside her.