Many Questions

"Then let's not waste any more time," Haru said they went back to the tracks and started to go straight towards Dong-myo station.

They had to change lines at Dong-Daemun station to reach Dong-myo, and as they took their time looking around Dong-Daemun Station for some clues it took them 30 minutes to reach the halfway point between Dong-Daemun and Dong-myo.

"So how should we go forward from here?" Hee-won asked since now seemed like the perfect time to talk about this.

She wanted to know if there was some plan that they are going to use since they are up against the whole station.

"I was just planning on going straight in and shaking up the place," Haru said nonchalantly.

"Please tell me you are joking right now," Hee-won deadpanned as Haru laughed and said.


"…Is this your way of taking revenge?" Hee-won sighed as there was no way Haru didn't have a plan. He was careful …most of the time.

[Several Constellations are saying they expected this would happen.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'General Who Dined With Hades' is saying that power is the most important aspect.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

"Don't worry nothing will go wrong," Haru said assuring Hee-won who could only shrug at this.

'Dong-myo is doomed either way,' Alea thought while remembering the subway map and nodded as she can't see any way that they lose.

"If something happens, I'll do my best to protect everyone," Hyun-sung looked more determined than ever, it seemed he was gaining some self-confidence lately, and he was able to interject into the conversation which was a good thing.

"Haru is it possible if I ask for something, I want to confirm a suspicion," Everyone looked at Dok-ja after he said that.

"Hmm, what is it?" Haru asked since he was curious about that.

"So what I want to do is..." Dok-ja explained his plan as the others listened to it some with confusion and some with intrigue.

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is saying the plan is stupid.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

Dok-ja ignored the message and focused on making sure that he gets Haru on board.

Ten minutes later, The group could see the platform lights of Dong-myo station as walked down the tracks without any intention of hiding, instead, it looked like they wanted to be seen. And they met with a few people who were patrolling the tracks just like they wanted.

There were 4 people in the group and one of them had taken out their phone quickly while the other three...

"Who are you bastards?" The burly-looking guy in the front shouted while the other two got their weapons ready to attack them.

"Tell your leader to come out before I slaughter all of you," Dok-ja spoke with a deep frown, he was standing right in front of the group with the others behind him.

"Why you bas-KHuk*" Before the man could even complete his statement he was punched in the face by Hee-won, She knocked the guy out clean.

"You should watch your mouth," Hee-won said with a frown that showed how angry she was currently.

"Oi, what is happening here?" Dok-ja saw about 15 people jump down from the platform coming towards them with weapons in hand.

The guy who spoke was in the front, he was quite slim and average looking, the most striking thing about him was that he was wearing accessories all over his arms and neck.

"Are you the leader here?" Dok-ja looked at the man and used his skill Character profile.

[The exclusive skill, Character List is activated.]

A moment later, amazing messages were seen by Dok-ja.

[The information of this person can't be read in 'Character List'.]

[This person isn't registered in 'Character List'.]

'It seems like I was right,' Dok-ja thought as he saw those panels.

"Where are you guys from?" The guy asked examining the group members and one of them caught his eye.

"We're from Chung-muro," Dok-ja said making the guy raise an eyebrow and turn his eyes back on Dok-ja who seemed like the boss.

'Would you look at that,' Dok-ja saw the guy looking at him as sparks flew up.

[Someone is using Explore Attribute on you.]

[The exclusive skill Fourth Wall has blocked Explore Attribute!]

The guy stumbled since his skill failed to get information about Dok-ja.

"You bastards what did you do to our boss," One of the guys shouted as the others got ready to attack.

"Stop it you fools, can I know your name, Sir?" The guy asked looking at Dok-ja since he had a flag on him.

"My name is Yu Jung-hyuk and I am here to destroy your station," Dok-ja could already feel the effect of the name from the shock on this guy's face.

But he added more to by taking out his sword with lighting crackling around it, he could see the color draining from this guy's face in real-time.

A little while later, inside Dong-myo station Haru and the rest of the group were following Dok-ja with the guy from before in lead. His name was Lee Sung-kook he was the Vice-representative of Dong-myo station.

"Our leader is waiting for you in this tent Yu Jung-hyuk-ssi," Sung-kook spoke in an extremely polite tone as he guided Dok-ja into the tent.

"I can't believe that worked," Hee-won deadpanned as the plan worked somehow.

"Well, it wasn't that complicated in the first place, and it seemed that our suspicion also came true," Haru shrugged since it wasn't that big of a deal.

Dok-ja's plan from earlier was to act like Yu Jung-hyuk since Il-hun looked surprised when he found out that Haru was Chung-muro's leader. So if this doesn't work, then there is no harm since they are going to fight these guys anyway, but if it does work, it can help them a lot.

And It seemed to have worked well, a little too well.

"But should we talk about it like this?" Hyun-sung asked even though he was the most confused, actually if this was done under normal circumstances.

Hyun-sung would be the guy they'll need to look after the most since this guy was a little too good for his own sake. But they didn't need to worry about it for now.

"Everyone here is currently in an illusion, they only see us standing in one place like loyal soldiers for the fake Yu Jung-hyuk," Alea smiled saying that it was fine, since no matter what they do no one will be able to see or hear it.

"Well, I can't do this for too long so we'll need to stand straight in a while, Also Hyun-sung be careful," Haru said as they all got ready to act.

"Yes, I'll keep an eye on the surroundings," Haru nearly face palmed since this guy didn't understand anything he said just now. Hee-won laughed seeing this before she asked a question that was bugging her.

"But why did Dok-ja choose to play as Jung-hyuk?" She asked this because it felt a bit weird to her.

"That is a good question," Haru laughed as Hee-won narrowed her eyes, she could tell that this guy was onto something but…

'He isn't going to tell me about it,' Hee-won just looked away and started to think on her own to figure out this mystery, everyone knew that she'll give up after 10 minutes max.

'The questions just keep on increasing,' Alea rolled her eyes as even though she wanted to ignore the troublesome mystery-solving, all she had been seeing in the chat group was question after question about everything.

Inside the tent,

'Thankfully things are going as planned right now,' Dok-ja was really relieved that everything worked out well, but there were still many things to do from this point on.

The inside of the tent was quite good. It was unbelievably luxurious for such a shabby tent.

There was a red carpet and a bed that seemed to have been stolen from a luxury hotel. There was a round table for a meeting and a small desk with a computer.

The most interesting thing was the boy concentrated on surfing the Internet.

The face seemed only a few years older than Gil-young. The boy had dark circles and sat on the chair in his pajamas.

And there was a purple flag held tightly in his arms. This boy had already passed the halfway mark of the King's Road.

Dok-ja quickly activated his skill to confirm this person's identity.

[The exclusive skill, Character List is activated.]