He Had Another Agenda

As if maybe he had another chance to be with her for longer."No problem. Stay, enjoy the view. I'll just slip on some clothes."

He wore the most devilishly sinful expression when he said the words, emphasizing that he, and not Mount Hood, was the view she was so enjoying.

She feared he had another agenda. One that meant he wanted to learn more about this wolf she was most likely searching for. She figured now he worried she'd seen one of his own people.

"Thanks, but I need to be on my way." Yet despite admonishing herself for it, she wasn't in any real hurry to leave. She hadn't had such a good time in forever as she'd had with him last night.

Living with real wolves certainly hadn't been the same. And quick romps with human males hadn't either.

God, Axel was hot, and her body was burning up with his perusal. She took another step around the branches, still backing up, her gaze holding his.

He didn't make a move toward her, but the look in his intensely intrigued gaze said he wanted to.

.That if she made a sudden movement, that if she ran, he'd hunt her down. Like a wolf would instinctively do if something suddenly dashed away from him.

Some darkly wolfish part of her wanted him to, wished to be hungered after like he seemed to desire her, which was more than ludicrous. She had to find the female wolf, locate the she-wolf's pack, and befriend them.

Frolicking with a lupus group--alpha leader type--wouldn't pay the bills and, most importantly, wouldn't help the wolf kind.

"Are you sure? That you really want to leave?" His lips lifted a little more, smug, arrogant.

"I'm sure," she finally said, but her hesitation to say so proved she wasn't all that sure. Her werewolf nature was the problem, wanting a say in what she should do, how she should feel. Despite trying to keep it in abeyance.

"Are you looking for a spot to... camp for the night?" he asked, his voice dark and seductively entrancing, and a lot more enticing than she was willing to admit.

Before she could catch herself, her lips parted slightly, his gaze riveting to them.

"No," she said, not sounding as stern as she should have. Way too wishy-washy instead. Like she'd been about sharing his tenderloin with him and dancing also.

The gleam in his eyes said he knew he'd hooked her in part.

He still didn't make a move toward her, though. He probably thought he might scare her away. Maybe thinking like he had last night. He looked like it was killing him to stay where he was and not advance on her, his hands still clenched, the muscles in his thighs taut.

As an alpha lupus group, he'd want to shorten the distance between them, move in real close, and check her out further. Smell her, touch her if she would allow it, like an alpha wolf would inspect another he wanted to befriend or chase off.

The sensible side of her was trying to convince herself to leave, pronto, to do the job she'd come here for. But the wickedly curious part of her that he had awakened--

"Plenty of freshwaters, fishing even, steelhead, salmon, though both are somewhat elusive, hiding, difficult to catch," he said.

"Thanks, but--"

He waved his arm at the lake, his hand opening palm up, inviting her to stay and fish. "Crawdads are easier to come by. And soft earth to bed down on is perfect for whatever you have in mind to do, plus... other conveniences are available."

"You?" popped out of her mouth before she could halt the word. He was so overconfident in the way he came across, although she imagined most women would have melted at his suggestion--like she was nearly doing.

When she knew damned well she could never tangle with a lupus group in that manner, not unless she wanted him for a mate--so she guessed it wasn't really a case of overconfidence on his part, but just the way things were where he was concerned.

He chuckled, the darkly humorous tone rippling through her like a beacon warning of delectable danger. He tilted his head slightly to the side and toward her as if saying yes, which sent another unnerving chill down her spine.

If he'd been human, he could have been giving her a subtle, very cool nod of his head, but his action was an alpha lupus group's declaration.

She should have taken heed and left right then and there. But Axel intrigued her as no man had ever done. Not only that, but she really had a problem with backing down.

Long ago, she had learned that taking that stance could be as treacherous as facing trouble. She didn't have to be a genius to know Axel definitely was trouble.

She folded her arms and tilted her chin up a hair. "The campgrounds aren't open yet. And this one's not for overnight use even if it was open." Not that she didn't bend the rules herself when the situation warranted.

"Don't tell me you've never enjoyed nature in a more natural way," he said.

If only he knew. "I don't believe in breaking the law."

He raised his brows. "I don't either. Some things shouldn't be regulated, though." He sighed. "If you'd rather stay with me at a more private place, I own a cabin in the woods not far from here."

She shook her head.

Without any indication he was going to move, Axel suddenly waded toward the shore, shoving the water aside with his powerful legs as if the very waters would part for him, startling her.

His leg muscles moved fluidly, exquisitely as his belly tightened and his jaw clenched, his whole demeanour determined and focused. And then? He gave her a suave and smoky kind of wink that said she was his. And that she knew it.

But he suddenly appeared on the beach and stood naked in front of her.

Yet she was frozen with indecision. How could she explain what she was doing here without him coming after her, watching what she did when she knew in part he would be there to protect his own kind?

Also, she was sure he'd keep trying to wear her down, to capitulate, and have a tryst with him. Worse, she didn't trust the way she felt when she was with him.

Even throughout the day, she had chided herself for giving in to dance with him like she did. Yet it had felt so right, so good.

He left the water and stalked toward his clothes, and she knew before he dressed, it was now or never.

Then everything was decided for her.

"I'm sorry" she squeaked because she knew he had clearly seen her.

"Ugh, it's okay. You can turn around now" he spoke.

She turned around but she still couldn't meet his eyes, what happened just a moment ago was embarrassing.

"Morning" She greeted.

"Good Morning, uh I.

"It's okay," she said. "can you bring my dress?" he said.

She bent down and pick his dress when she stood up and saw he is looking towards her ass.

"Mr. Axel" she called out in anger and embarrassment.

"Huh what?" he snapped out of his trance of staring at her perfect ass.

"You can't just stare at someone's uh- body parts, it's rude" she complained as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh really?" he asked and started walking towards her, deciding to tease her a bit.

"Y-yeah" she stuttered as she started walking backwards but of course, the damn tree had to come and stop her.

"So, I'm sorry Miss. Cassie for staring at your perfect round ass" he spoke huskily as he caged her against the tree. Her eyes widened at his statement and her cheeks turned a faint pink colour.

He was so close to her that if he moved a little, their lips would meet. Her breathing became heavy as she looked into his lust full eyes.

He slipped his hand around her waist and ran his nose on her jaw causing her to gasp and lean into his touch.

"W-what are you doing?" she whispered as she felt his lips on her collarbone. He didn't answer and continued kissing her collarbone causing her to shiver. But she moaned when she felt Axel's lips near her ear.

"Why do you like to tempt me so much?" he asked.

"W-what are you talking about?" she asked shivering visibly. His touch did wonders to her body.

"This" he started pointing to her long legs. "Makes me want to take you on this rock, now" he whispered huskily, as he leaned in closer. She gasped as she quickly pulled her shirt down and slightly pushed him.

After a minute of staring at each other, she tore her gaze away as she pushed him. And rant out in the woods.