Alpha King Axel Ash Growled To Himself

And he elatedly knelt down to examine them. Glancing around, he noted several more, crisscrossing the area as if frantically searching for something.

And another wolf's prints, the tracks indicating a longer gait, the prints a little larger.

Another concern overshadowed his excitement at finding the wolf prints, though. Perplexed, he glanced around the area and studied the soil closer.

The wolves' prints were all over the place, but the trail of Cassie's boot prints and the man's tread markings had abruptly ended.

* * *

"Since he shifted, we've already poured two pots of coffee--full caffeine strength--into Alpha King Axel Ash," Laney said to someone in the great room down the hall at Alpha King Axel Ash's ranch house while he reclined in his bed,

the tranquillizer the hunter shot him with still stirring in his bloodstream. "And you've already brought Quincy and Pierce home. Sarge... well, Satros said he'd find him and make his return to the ranch, Elgin.