Alpha Would Know Her Scent

Alpha would know her scent anywhere.

"You, what's your name?" Alpha ask the rogue whose eye he removed.

"Tim" He stutters out and Alpha step closer, loving the fear in his eyes so strong it fills the cave smothering the scent of the fire sitting in the middle.

"And who are you?" he ask the curly dark-haired woman hiding behind her wounded mate.

"Stella, this is my mate Josic" She whimpers, putting her head down. Good, by the fear in them they know exactly who he is and what he is.

"Is this everyone in your camp?" Alpha ask, knowing it wasn't. 

The woman nods and he growls, he hates fucking liars. The man watching him, his eyes not leaving him as he approaches him. He sees the star picket in his leg.

"How did you get this?" he ask, tapping the steel going through his thigh. He hisses in pain as he taps it, a smile spreading across his face at his pain.