He Was Tracking Her

And if she'd been interested in the type, she might have fallen for him herself. But although he loved wolves, 

She was sure he wouldn't be able to cope with what she truly was. And she wasn't interested in settling down with either a human or a lupus Garou.

spy's hand clutched a stick as he poked around at leaves and pushed aside fern fronds, his backpack most likely containing gear for a hike of several days. He was tracking her, damn it. 

Or the mother wolf. In some of the areas she had traversed, she was sure she'd left a few muddy wolf prints, enough to give her away to someone like him who could track a wolf.

A couple of Douglas first screened her in part, so she was half-blinded in the woods. With her heart pounding double time, she hoped he wouldn't look up and spy her before she could back out of here, traverse the creek, and head to another area.