Lifted Cassie

"He could be anywhere by now. But I guess if she's got a mate, this means we can't hook Rosa up with Big Red once she's sufficiently healed."

"Never know," Thompson said. "We might not ever find the male out here to pair them up again, so Big Red might have a chance. 

As soon as we get her to the zoo, we'd better ensure some additional security measures are in place in case someone tries to free her again."

No way was his woodland nymph going to be stuck in a pen with horny lupus.

"Should we shoot them and rescue her?" Elgin whispered to Alpha King Axel Ash.

Moving as quietly as a wolf, Alpha King Axel Ash nodded, stepped closer to get a visual on the men, and raised his rifle, but before he could give the final order, all hell broke loose. 

In their wolf coats, his lupus Garou upstarts raced toward Thompson and Joe, their hackles raised, their teeth bared, both fiercely growling and prepared to lunge.

Holy crap! Pierce and Quincy!