Her True Nature Hidden.

No wonder she knew so much about wolves. He couldn't fathom why she'd be so attached to wolves of the lupus-only persuasion. That she'd work as a wolf biologist studying them and championing their cause. 

Yet the way she spoke about wolves and her obvious love of them endeared her to him.

He threaded his fingers through her satiny hair, recalling the conversation they'd had at the restaurant. She'd teased about attracting wolves if she howled, knowing full well the place was filled with their kind. 

He smiled at her deviousness. He understood why she kept her secret from them. She was in his territory, under his jurisdiction. Running around in her wolf form wasn't allowed unless he said so, or she was at risk for not doing so. 

He didn't believe for an instant that she'd been at risk until she'd become a wolf.