Leader's Challenge

"Yes, Cassie," he says darkly. "Anyone."

  I'm so relieved I slump against the wall. And then the full meaning of his words hits me. "What do you mean?"

She swallows to moisten her still-dry throat. "On me?"

His fingers caress her face again and push the hair back behind her ear. She is so cold she feels like his touch is burning her skin. "Yes, babe, on you. If you behave, . . ."

She can barely draw in a breath. "If not?"

His smile is the most beautiful and frightening thing she has ever seen.

He doesn't answer. Instead, he touches her hair and lifts a thick brown strand to his face. Inhales, as though smelling it.

She watches him, frozen in place. She doesn't know what to do. Does she fight him now? And if so, what would that accomplish? He hasn't hurt her yet, and she doesn't want to provoke him.