Something Else Was Troubling

Giving his father a backward glance for approval while Fergus spoke on the phone to Elgin.

Giving teens more responsibility was always a pack leader's goal, and Axel Ash suspected that had been Pierce and Quincy's problem. They hadn't been allowed to make mistakes when they were younger.

  He gave Evan a curt nod. Although at a time like this, in the event hunters were targeting anything that moved, he preferred Evan to stay behind. "When Elgin gets here, you can go with him."

Evan gave a long face, and Axel Ash knew the teen wanted to go with him. He looked back at Pierce and Quincy as they hurried out of one of the guest rooms where he hoped to keep better track of them, both buttoning up their shirts. "No wolf coats this time."

They wore stern frowns as they nodded, but they looked as though something else was troubling them.