I Heard About The Case

"Cassie Roux, yes. He wasn't searching for me as much as he was wolves for his study."

"From what Alex says, you're from California. Been here long?"

"For a while."

Immediately, Axel Ash didn't like Thompson's questioning of his mate. When he gave her body a squeeze to let her know so, 

She leaned back against him and relaxed, indicating she wasn't concerned about the questions, so Axel Ash shouldn't worry. He did worry. Any wrong answer could prove disastrous.

"You wouldn't happen to have known Bella Wilder, would you?" Thompson asked.

She smiled. "I heard about the case. Anything concerning wolves catches my attention."

"You wouldn't have wanted to remove a wolf from the zoo, would you have?"

Still relaxed, she shook her head. "I study wolves in the wild. Caged and human-owned wolf 'pets' don't qualify for the kind of research I do.