Truly Going To Marry Me

Was that worry in his eyes? Was he worried about me? But why?

"Hi," I said slowly, feeling shy for some reason.

"Are you going to take a bath?" he asked.

"I was planning to. Well... um... can I..."

"Yes, Cassie, you can ask me a question," he said, carefully pronouncing each syllable as if to ensure that I understood him. His voice was not cold but amused.

"Can I use the bathtub?"

"Of course, you can use it. It's yours. Everything in this room is yours. Everything outside this room will be yours too after two days," he said.

"Ok," I said. I opened my mouth to say something more to him, but then closed it again thinking if it would be appropriate.

" Cassie, don't hesitate in saying or asking something me," he said calmly.

"Can you read mind?" I blurted out quickly before I would lose the courage again.

He laughed. The sound of his laughter reached my ear, making them numb to everything else but his laughter.