Kissing Her Hair

Cassie sighed in relief. "Don't listen to them. People say a lot of inappropriate stupid things. If they say something like that again, tell me right away."

"Ok, I will tell you. You will beat them up, right? That will be fun. They will fear you a lot too then. Only you have the right to sleep in Uncle Ash's bed, right?"

Cassie thought for a while and then making my breathing stop, she said, "Yes."

(From Cassie's Perspective)

"Do you love Uncle Ash?" Ava asked.

I did not know what to say. I did not want to lie, and I did not want to say the truth either. But even I did not know at that moment what was the lie or what the truth was. How did I feel about him? I had no idea.

"Ava, you should not ask Cassie these things too early. Give her some time."