Dangerous Tone Made Me Shiver

He was sitting at one corner of the table right beside his mother who was telling him something, but his eyes were fixed on us or precisely saying_ on me.

He gave me a smirk for no reason and I could not help but feel uncomfortable. I looked away from him hastily. Ash helped me up to sit at the high table right beside him. 

All the eyes were on us now and suddenly, I started feeling self-conscious.

"Don't worry, my bride. Just relax and give me a smile," he whispered into my ear.

I managed a smile and he nodded at me with a small smile that I was sure no one else could see. I heard Evelyn chuckle in amusement, sitting beside me.

"You look really pretty tonight," she said, with her dashing smile that resembled her mother a lot.

"Thank you. You look amazing too," I said.

She laughed. "Of course I do. I have to look good for my husband after all," she said, nudging her husband who kissed her cheek affectionately.