I Sat Beside Her

Alone for the time being. When the time comes, I will arrange everything for you."

"Can you stop reading minds for a moment?"

"No. Not because I don't want to, but because I can't. The thoughts of people are like voices, almost silent like the breathing of air. You can't escape it," I said with a smile. "And truly saying, I don't want to escape either."

"Would you if you could? Would you escape this type of life if you could?" she asked, looking straight into my eyes.

"No. Never."

I pushed the door open and helped her in. The roof was kind of big and properly decorated, but I had not been here for a very long time, probably twelve years. 

There was no need for me to come here, but now looking at her face as the chilly wind made the wisps of hair on her face fly, I found a new reason to come to the roof.