I Truly Was Astonished

She seemed to be nervous. I did not want to scare her and that's why I warned everyone not to tell her anything about it. But seemed like, someone did not listen to me. 

'After committing a sin, humans or werewolves, think about that more than normal. Some fear, some regret... But then why? Why do they have to sin in the first place? 

This is the question that I had since I started to understand my life. There are some things that you're asked to do in your life and some things you are told not to. 

If you do what you're supposed to do, there would be no problem. But they don't do it. The sins, the tasks they are not supposed to do, they do it. And for some reason, I can't bear it- not at all.'

The moment the maids came to tell me that she was ready, the red-haired one was trembling with fear, and her thoughts were giving away what she had done. Did my little bride not realize that the maid would think about what she had done in front of me?