I Want To Keep You In My Arms

But even that time, I did not know it would happen."

"What would happen?"

"That I would feel this way about you. Perhaps you've married a crazy werewolf, my wife. I don't know what it is, but whenever I see you, I want to keep you in my arms. I want to show you off because I'm proud of having someone like you in my life. 

I want them to be jealous of me. But if someone tried to take you from me, trust me, my wife, I won't let them live. I don't know this feeling. The feeling was so burdensome at first that I felt like I was losing my mind," he said and brushed his fingers against my cheek. 

"But now I don't feel that way anymore. I can accept that feeling now. Now it feels like those feeling are right. Those feelings are proof of how important you're to me. I'm still working on finding out more about the feelings.