Better If You Call Me Handsome

All the time, she was telling me about flowers. She loved flowers a lot and thus, she loved talking about them. As I knew much about flowers as well, we would keep talking for hours without noticing. 

But because of her mother, Ash was kind of frustrated. He was always behaving differently since that night. He even said that he wanted to make love in every single place of the palace and outside the palace. Of course, I said no. But he said he would find his way. May be he find. 

One day when we were taking a walk in the garden, he had almost got his way. But then suddenly, he heard footsteps and it was his mother. 

Thankfully, she did not understand anything as we were fully clothed. He even was angry at his mother because of that. His mother did not even bother to ask him, rather she asked me if anything was wrong. 

"I don't know, Mother. He didn't tell me anything," I muttered uncomfortably.