Saw A Wolf

This greed will never fade away. Just like me, I want you to be greedy as well. Be greedy and get what you want. No one is stopping you and if someone tries, I'm here, right? I'll rip them off. 

So please, my wife, be greedy. Please take me by your greed. After all, it's not about what we deserve, it's all about what we get." 

"You... You... I hate you," I forced my hand out of his grasp. 

"You hate me?" he asked, looking hurt. 

"You... You almost gave me a heart attack. No, an excessive dose of handsome attack. I almost died. And it's all your fault," I mumbled. 

"Pfft, I didn't know my wife could make jokes like that," he said and tapped on my nose. "But what I said was true. Every single thing was true."

"... Thank you," I said. "You made me feel better, a lot better actually."

"Won't you smile then, my wife? I made you smile. So I deserve a smile of yours, don't I?"