He Grabbed Me Quickly

"You're a pervert."

"... How can you say that to me with a straight face?"

"I mean, the things you talk about, it's the attitude of a pervert. But as you're like this only with me, I don't care if you're a pervert. You're my husband after all."

'You're an angel.'

"Marry me."

"I'm your wife."

"Let's sleep then. I'm planning to sleep as well since you're not feeling good. Or I would have gone straight to our nighttime routine," he said. 

"... Stop being shameless for a moment," I mumbled. There was no point telling him that since he would go back to being indecent both with his words and actions again. 

"As my wife says," he chuckled. 

It was different sleeping beside him than sleeping alone. There was the warmth of another person that I never had before. And he always held me as he slept. For some reason, it made my heart flutter. Perhaps it was a normal thing for couples, yet I could not help but feel special.