You Are Smiling

But I was always interested in finding out about them. Perhaps it was because of the photographic memory that I always wanted to know more and more about everything. The willow tree was no different, but I did not like to go near it. 

As Ash wanted to go there, I did not oppose it. He might feel bad if I said no. But if he liked this place, perhaps I would like it as well as long as he was with me. 

"You are smiling," he said all of a sudden.

'Yes, I'm smiling, but do you have to point it out? Now it's weird.'

"The weather is good."

"Haha, is that why you're smiling?" he chuckled. "My wife, aren't you lying to your husband? And besides, the weather is hot. You don't like hot weather."

"... That's true."

"Then can I know why you were smiling? Is it because of me?" he asked, bringing his face too close to mine. 

"Please let it slide," I said in a surrendering way.