Knox Has Been Waiting For You Since Morning

Maid gleamed like a kid saying, "Knox has been waiting for you since morning, come on fast let's meet everyone!"

We walked up the stairs and all the members welcomed me with a warm smile, it was more of a welcome to the pack. A man with a dark complexion and zero-cut hair came forward, "Angel you look so slender since I last saw you! Haven't you been eating enough?", he asked.

Sam was the first person acquainted with me when I joined the pack, he helped me around the village and was going to introduce me to the pack when the emergency of Knox being attacked delayed that process.

"I have been working my brain too much, guess it used up all the nutrition", I Said shrugging to which he rolled his brown eyes and replied,

"Have I not told you, You are very bad at making such jokes!" It immediately made me remember how I tried to make such a stupid joke in an attempt to make a nice impression, but it now stays as an embarrassing memory in my head.