Blue Moon Pack

What is this?

My crinkled eyebrows stared at him but he refused to acknowledge my presence. Did he have some enlightenment? He looked embarrassed, no maybe avoiding confrontation, or was he ashamed?

Whatever, it is better this way. I might need help from the police later in my mission, right now I will let him be and contemplate his words and actions.

Trudging forward I realised that I have to start immediately with my mission, it was a weight that my body and mind were feeling now. First things first I should gain the trust of my pack, then the trust of Ash's pack. But with Ash there, my first steps are going to be very difficult.

'I will think about it when the time comes, right now I should focus on the Blue Moon pack.'

"Angel!" Suzan beamed, waving at me, "Here, here, come fast!"

Okay, here begins my first task!

I smiled at Suzan as she came in distant view and ran up to her, "Sorry, was I too long?"