The Fire-Breathing Dragon On The Call

It is better for me to get out of here, the more I stay around this guy the more loss I will face. I didn't want to see how barbarous he could be behind that professionally staged smile of his.

I turned around to leave and he did not bother to stop me. His eyes were rather fixated on me and he looked more engrossed in his thoughts, I turned around twice to be cautious he didn't plan anything funny.

But as he was disappearing from my sight, the last glimpse I had of him was with an endearing smile. It would have looked charming to others but I knew he was scheming something, and that smile was a warning of his incoming evil plan.

Axel Ash looked like a man you wouldn't want to cross, someone who really could make you disappear overnight. He was the true creature of darkness, the mischievous werewolf blood. Being in the palace I had seen lots of wrong people.