Taking a deep breath Marlet was visibly nervous. How could she not be, Loki's plan to introduce her to Orario was to strut down to the guild and have her registered under the watchful eyes of all the executives. Most of the rest of the familia had spread out on the route towards the guild headquarters to keep an eye out for any strange behaviour but with a Hiryute twin on either side of her, Aiz and Gareth in the front, Bete and Riveria behind them and Finn walking beside their goddess the protection detail was ready to set off. "You know, we can't do this every time I want to head out of the manor" Marlet said with a light nervous chuckle, "true but we can present you to the public and show that you have all our support, they mess with you and they mess with our whole familia" Loki challenged all the possible troublemakers with a grin. "And maybe all the elves after they learn of what you had done" muttered Bete under his breath, this comment however caused Loki to snap her head in his direction with a visible frown on her face. "Just take a deep breath and relax, you will meet some good people outside the familia that you can call friends" Riveria the ever worried momma of the group tried to comfort her.
"Right! No use standing around doing nothing, it's time to start my adventure" Marlet had a visible smile on her face and walked confidently towards the gate, "GUARD! OPEN THOSE GATES!" she shouted as though she was a monarch. The guards just shook their heads at her antics and opened the gates. With Loki by her side and the other executives all around them Marlet took her first step past the Loki familia property. Walking with a leisurely pace in the direction of the guild's head office the massive group drew a lot of attention. Initially people cheered for the group of beautiful adventurers that were constantly delving deeper into the dungeon but as the people started looking at all the members of the group the became more quiet. "Mommy, why is there a monster with the heroes?" came a little voice from behind the crowd that had formed. This made Marlet falter in her steps for a split second but she kept on walking, Loki had warned her of this happening and it was just a little child. "Kill the monster!" shouted another man indistinguishable among the masses. Bete gave a low growl and looked in the voice's direction, this prompted the whole procession to stop making everyone around unintentionally take a step back. "It's fine Bete, all this will be fixed shortly" Loki tried to diffuse the situation, attacking another adventurer was frowned upon but not unheard of but attacking a civilian was met with harsh punishment for the individual and familia alike.
Marlet inhaled a lot of air and squared her shoulders, looked over at Loki and gave a nod before walking towards their destination again. The people around parted ways for them too pass as this became a serious matter. Passing by a tavern with the name 'Hostess of Fertility' written atop it a voice boomed out from the entrance that made everyone freeze, "Hold it!" Mia Grand's voice boomed across the street. She made her way to the goddess but the Loki executives were clutching their weapons tight, they knew Mamma Mia wouldn't harm their goddess or anyone else here except for possibly Marlet. If Mia deemed her a threat it would take all of them just to fend her off just to give Marlet a chance to fly into the air and possible escape. Stopping before Aiz and looking right at the goddess Mia spoke in a no-nonsense tone, "who is this with you goddess Loki? I don't remember something like this in the dungeon." Mia spoke the irrefutable, if she hadn't seen a monster like what was before the crowd, wouldn't that mean it was an irregular from the deeper floors. This thought scared a lot of people and the crowd visibly thinned, Loki however understood what the level 6 before her was trying to do. With a smirk she played along "oh? and who said she came from the dungeon? In fact, when was it established she was a monster that escaped in the first place?" Loki was eyeing all the people around them while saying this. "Goddess Loki, are you saying that the girl has a soul and not a stone within her?" Mia played along looking as incredulous as possible which seemed to fool the crowd. "But of course! Why, I had just recently given her my very own falna!" the goddess waved it off as though it wasn't all the proof anyone needed that Marlet wasn't born of the dungeon. Mia gave a nod in understanding before looking at the girl they had been talking about all this time, "I expect you to visit the Hostess little girl, but don't expect any discounts because you're special. If I did that everyone would want one because their mommies said they were different" Mia laughed at her own joke and left for her tavern.
Making another turn and quickening their pace Marlet noticed that this was all staged. Loki had told Mia of a new potential (high paying) customer and she as a known level 6 would dispel any doubts about her. Internally thanking the goddess again for her foresight they quickly arrived before the guild. Walking into the guild full of adventurers either talking with their advisors or exchanging stones for Valis. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at all the executives and a unknown monster girl walk into the guild, these adventurers hadn't heard the conversation that went on between Mia and Loki. Some drew their weapons and some even got ready to attack regardless of the familia protecting said monster girl. Loki only had to clear her throat once and a guild employee wearily made their way towards the goddess, Loki explained that they would like a private room to discuss what in happening. Feeling the scrutinising stare of so many people is enough to unnerve anyone and Marlet was no exception. She tried to remain as calm as possible but her wings gave her away as they rustled ever so slightly. This action seemed to make the weaker adventurers even more nervous and the stronger ones more on edge. The guild employee led the goddess and her guards towards a private room where they confirmed she was part of the familia, personal information and her current level. To say that the employee was happy the 'monster' before her didn't act aggressively was an understatement but when she started talking like any other being said employee relaxed a lot more.
Making their way out of the room and again moving towards the exit, again under the scrutiny of every adventurer within the massive lobby every single person froze as they felt their imminent death not from the girl, but from the entrance where the Loki familia were heading. "My oh my, that is a very interesting child you have there Loki" a melodious voice could be heard and to some that was the voice of immense pleasure and others their worst nightmares. Behind the owner of the voice stood a massive boaz with a sword on his shoulder and an intense look in his eyes. Freya walked with elegance towards her rival but kept her eyes locked on the fey before her. "Freya, I hope you don't plan on causing trouble here within Orario?" Loki asked with a smile. It is to be said that after the annihilation of the Zeus and Hera familias a non-conflict agreement was made between all the largest familias due to the crippled strength they left in the power vacuum that happened in the past. "All you potential wasting riff-raff can lower your weapons, the girl has a soul as clear as day to me ergo, she isn't a monster. She isn't even from the dungeon, are you girl?" Freya's insult was met with silence. Many wanted to object or voice their complaints but with the current strongest behind the goddess no one dared make a sound. "I haven't been in the dungeon in my life, goddess Freya" Marlet respectfully answered the goddess before her and knowing they can detect lies she had no intention of angering the silver haired woman. Freya simply nodded and then looked at Loki, "a Denatus in the next 2 days shall take place to discuss this oddity" Freya stated, then turned around and left with her attendant following close by.
Both the declaration of the girl having a soul and already belonging to the Loki familia as well as the sudden Denatus caused a stir in the whole reception area. Having made their way back to the Twilight Manor Loki turned around and looked at Marlet, "I've made it as obvious as possible that you shouldn't be messed with and at the upcoming Denatus you will be treated as any other adventurer" Marlet was ever thankful to her goddess and had a great idea to celebrate. "Let's go to the Hostess then, I was told to be a customer after all" eliciting a cheer from the surrounding familia members. That evening the Hostess of Fertility was booked out and Marlet had spent half of her saving there to keep the food and booze flowing which improved her image with Mamma Mia greatly. Marlet even allowed some of the waitresses to touch and caress her wings or feel her horns. She had to explain to them that it wasn't too weird but not something she would just let anyone do. "Then when can you take us flying? nya" asked the newest waitress Chloe Rollo, the tavern went quiet at that as this was always everyone's thoughts but never asked because they thought it rude. "You know what, I've been thinking about that. On the days I'm not busy and became strong enough to carry grown adults I was thinking of opening a little side business where I take people on flights over Orario. If you're interested you can be the first customer Chloe" Marlet sported a soft smile when answering the cat girl, "and if you're gonna be first, I'll make it free and then you can advertise it for me. How does that sound?" Seeing the expectant look on Chloe's face Marlet couldn't deny her. "Girl, you have a good head for business there. How about offering the take off to be from our roof and that way they have to order food to get a ride" Mia could see the Valis this would bring in for her. That evening the Hostess of Fertility made the most money they had in the whole week and with the new attraction they were going to literally launch from her roof at barely any extra cost Mia was very happy. There was also the secret message she had received from Freya to befriend the girl and stay in her good books for now.
"Well done Loki. You kept your cards close to your chest and even caused me some trouble getting the information. Luckily I at least knew you had an anomaly and I must say, never did I expect her dragon to be a girl." Freya was very perplexed with the Loki familia's winged girl. She thought today Loki was parading around her new pet to brag about the taming of a never before seen monster but that thought was crushed when she heard what Syr had to say.
"One of the most interesting Denatus will happen, only 2 more days little dragon and your fate will be decided"