0.2 Skill Constellations


🟢 Novice Restoration

🟢 Apprentice Restoration

🔴 Adept Restoration

🔴 Expert Restoration

🔴 Master Restoration

🔴 Recovery (0/2)

🔴 Avoid Death

🔴 Regeneration

🔴 Necromage

🔴 Respite

🔴 Restoration Dual Casting

🔴 Ward Absorb


🔴 Novice Illusion

🔴 Animage

🔴 Kindred Mage

🔴 Quiet Casting

🔴 Apprentice Illusion

🔴 Expert Illusion

🔴 Master Illusion

🔴 Hypnotic Gaze

🔴 Aspect of Terror

🔴 Rage

🔴 Master of the Mind

🔴 Illusion Dual Casting


🔴 Novice Alteration

🔴 Alteration Dual Casting

🔴 Apprentice Alteration

🔴 Magic Resistance (0/3)

🔴 Adept Alteration

🔴 Expert Alteration

🔴 Atronach

🔴 Master Alteration

🔴 Stability

🔴 Mage Armour


🟢 Novice Conjuration

🔴 Apprentice Conjuration

🔴 Adept Conjuration

🔴 Expert Conjuration

🔴 Master Conjuration

🔴 Conjuration Dual Casting

🔴 Mystic Binding

🔴 Soul Stealer

🔴 Oblivion Binding

🔴 Necromancy

🔴 Dark Souls

🔴 Summoner (0/2)

🔴 Atromancy

🔴 Elemental Potency

🔴 Twin Souls


🟢 Novice Destruction

🔴 Apprentice Destruction

🔴 Adept Destruction

🔴 Expert Destruction

🔴 Master Destruction

🔴 Rune Master

🔴 Augmented Flames (0/2)

🔴 Intense Flames

🔴 Augmented Frost (0/2)

🔴 Deep Freeze

🔴 Augmented Shock (0/2)

🔴 Disintegrate

🔴 Destruction Dual Casting

🔴 Impact


🟢 Enchanter (1/5)

🔴 Fire Enchanter

🔴 Frost Enchanter

🔴 Storm Enchanter

🔴 Insightful Enchanter

🔴 Extra Effect

🔴 Soul Squeezer

🔴 Soul Siphon


🟢 Overdraw (1/5)

🔴 Critical Shot (0/3)

🔴 Hunter's Discipline

🔴 Ranger

🔴 Eagle Eye

🔴 Power Shot

🔴 Quick Shot

🔴 Steady Hand (0/2)

🔴 Bullseye


🔴Shield Wall (0/5)

🔴Deflect Arrows

🔴Elemental Protection

🔴Block Runner

🔴Power Bash

🔴Deadly Bash

🔴Disarming Bash

🔴 Shield Charge

🔴 Quick Reflexes

{Heavy Armour}

🔴 Juggernaut (0/5)

🔴 Fist of Steel

🔴 Cushioned

🔴 Conditioning

🔴 Well Fitted

🔴 Tower of Strength

🔴 Matching Set

🔴 Reflect Blows


🔴 Armsman (0/5)

🔴 Bladesman (0/3)

🔴 Bone Breaker (0/3)

🔴 Dual Flurry (0/2)

🔴 Dual Savagery

🔴 Fighting Stance

🔴 Critical Charge

🔴 Savage Strike

🔴 Paralysing Strike

🔴 Hack and Slash (0/3


🔴 Steel Smithing

🔴 Arcane Smithing

🔴 Dwarven Smithing

🔴 Orcish Smithing

🔴 Ebony Smithing

🔴 Daedric Smithing

🔴 Elven Smithing

🔴 Advanced Armours

🔴 Glass Smithing

🔴 Dragon Armour


🔴 Barbarian (0/5)

🔴 Champion's Stance

🔴 Devastating Blow

🔴 Great Critical Charge

🔴 Sweep

🔴 Warmaster

🔴 Deep Wounds (0/3)

🔴 Limbsplitter (0/3)

🔴 Skullcrusher (0/3)


🔴 Alchemist (0/5)

🔴 Physician

🔴 Benefactor

🔴 Experimenter (0/3)

🔴 Poisoner

🔴 Concentrated Poison

🔴 Green Thumb

🔴 Snakeblood

🔴 Purity

{Light Armour}

🟢 Agile Defender (1/5)

🔴 Custom Fit

🔴 Matching Set

🔴 Unhindered

🔴 Wind Walker

🔴 Deft Movement

{Lock Picking}

🔴 Novice Locks

🔴 Apprentice Locks

🔴 Adept Locks

🔴 Expert Locks

🔴 Master Locks

🔴 Quick Hands

🔴 Wax Key

🔴 Golden Touch

🔴 Treasure Hunter

🔴 Locksmith

🔴 Unbreakable


🔴 Light Fingers (0/5)

🔴 Night Thief

🔴 Cutpurse

🔴 Keymaster

🔴 Misdirection

🔴 Perfect Touch

🔴 Extra Pockets

🔴 Poisoned


🔴 Stealth (0/5)

🔴 Backstab

🔴 Deadly Aim

🔴 Assassins Blade

🔴 Muffled Movement

🔴 Light Foot

🔴 Silent Roll

🔴 Silence

🔴 Shadow Warrior


🔴 Haggling (0/5)

🔴 Allure

🔴 Merchant

🔴 Investor

🔴 Fence

🔴 Master Trader

🔴 Bribery

🔴 Persuasion

🔴 Intimidation