34. The Death of Laurelei Emar-Vlei Part (1/2)

Since she could remember both her parents had been busy attending to the castle, making sure it remained spotless of dirt and that every member of staff had either completed their given assignments or currently completing them. The Emar-Vlei house could be dated back to the founding of the Elven Kingdom and the symbiotic growth the World Tree allowed. It was nothing as cliche as the humans would make silly rules of:

"offer up your first-born"


"Pledge your house for all eternity"

Very illogical if you had the job every Elf dreamt of having just short of being royalty, or never planned on leaving the forest in the first place.

At the time, those 'outside' concepts seemed so pointless no Elf needed to do something of the sort.

And thus, Laurelei grew up surrounded by the luxury of the royals but made aware of the different roles and duties of the common Elf as well.

When she was but a teenager she had already completed most of the training the personal maids had to undergo in order for them to serve the Elven nobility, or as they liked to call themselves, the High Elves.

Not much difference between the High Elves and the common Elf except the opportunities presented to the youth of each group. The Nobility had a plethora of knowledge handed down through the ages or collected from 3rd parties whereas the the common Elf relied on generational teaching where each generation would learn from the previous what they could or try and create a crude copy of a spell they saw nobility posses.

It was situations like these that made the common elf guard their magic as though they were survivors on a shipwreck island and the nobility to believe themselves better than the common folk.

These troubles barely bothered Laurelei though as she could get access to both if she but asked permission. Although she did learn a few basic spells she discovered that her talent lay in Archery, and that is why she trained it to the point of being capable to shoot a wild beast in the eye from a considerable distance away.

Because of this skill, her polite manners as well as the training she had undergone it came as no surprise that she was to accompany the prince (the current King) on his patrols he would insist he take around castle grounds. It was a rocky start given that the prince was only a few years ahead of her but she proved herself as the superior archer and slowly the prince relented his attitude of 'The man must protect the woman'.

A few years had passed and they became amicable towards one another but always remained a respectful distance to prevent the other from developing feelings for the other. The Prince was engaged to another that he had grown to love anyway and Laurelei was kept far too busy with her separate duties to even consider romance.

It was only after the wedding that the Queen finally understood that nothing would happen between the two of them due to the relationship they had cultivated between themselves and Laurelei become someone the queen could also drop the 'Royal Persona' she had to keep up before their retainers.

It was because of this trust that the queen had entrusted her first daughter to Laurelei and she accepted without hesitating a second. Thus her duties became that of protecting the princess as she grew up or joining the king as he would patrol the forest borders himself with a small contingent of elites.

It was as little Riveria was nearing the age of 14, when nobles would start sending their heirs as suitors in the hopes of having a latch within the royal family that the incident occurred.

Laurelei had been away with the king on patrol when a few of the other High Elves had asked to join so as to gain favour. Little Riveria was left with one of Laurelei's sisters who had been more adept at magic than her, she had recently become the second option Riveria would request for recently due to her growing fascination with magic and thus nothing seemed odd at the time.

It was on that night that one of the more pompous heirs who had been promised the princess already by their father couldn't contain themselves any longer, and believing that she already belonged to him, he made way for the princess's room. Knowing that the king had returned earlier that day with their father as well the heir had wanted to claim the princess's innocence to make that she would undoubtedly be his and his alone.

He had demanded to see the princess alone and dismissed the 'lowly' maid to continue with her other duties so that the two betrothed could have some private time together. Laurelei's sister instantly saw through the act and strongly protested, even resorting to defensive magic to protect the two from this heir.

The heir had feigned feeling threatened and loudly stated that he had no other option than to kill the maid for the insult.

A scuffle ensued where Laurelei's sister fought with everything she had and put up a decent fight but the heir had been able to overwhelm her, knocking her unconscious with the but of her blade to the temple making her crumble in on herself.

With his path now unobstructed, holding a bloody knife and a possessive grin growing whilst he thought of all the fun he and the unclaimed princess could have together the heir failed to notice the door opening and Laurelei entering still wearing her 'huntress' clothes from her time accompanying the king.

Not even a second to take in what had happened she lunged at the possible assassin trying to protect Riveria from the fate awaiting her. Another fight broke out before the princess and this time it was much more evenly matched. There were constant punches flying between the two and kicks that were barely dodged by the other. It later became a grappling contest where Laurelei had the heir in a choke hold reaching for the knife a few inches out of reach.

In all but one moment, with Laurelei behind the heir in the same choke hold had gotten hold of the knife. The door slammed open to reveal the king and the heir's father not even through the frame of the door, getting a full view of Laurelei busy slitting the heir's throat and Riveria on her hunches crying, the tips of her toes touching the pool of blood forming from the now dead heir.

The father wasted no time and ordered the guards to seize the 'assassin'. Once she had been removed from the room the father let out a guttural cry and laid his forehead upon the corpse of his dead son's chest, holding the body in his arms.

The father swore revenge upon the murderer of his sweet child.


2 Days had passed since the events being called the 'Death of a Lover'. In his grief and rage the father had painted the picture of his son being enraptured by the princess's beauty and wished to court her in her room. Laurelei the assassin had wanted to remove the 2 heirs to the throne in one moment and chose to do it when they had been in a room together. The princess's maid and the heir had battled against Laurelei together valiantly but ultimately overpowered by the assassin's superior skills. She had killed the maid and made advances towards the royal couple only for the king and his retinue to witness the death of the final 'defender'.

With Riveria being too traumatised to deliver any comment, the maid assumed dead due to not feeling any pulse (it had just weakened considerably) and the heir who defended the princess dead everyone had no choice but to believe the words spoken by the father, the king had also only commented that the investigation was ongoing.


3 Days after the death of the heir and the father was calling for an execution of his son's murderer. Having the public's support the king had little choice but to acquiesce and charged Laurelei Emar-Vlei with the murder of the heir to a noble elven house and to her name the title of 'Kin-Slayer' be added

The execution was to be held the day after, this was to allow the accused to get their affairs in order and allow for any final goodbyes.

Non of her family showed up.

What more evidence is required when the murder was committed before the king himself?

That night, Laurelei's sister had woken up and in a fit demanded to her mother that had been crying silently next to her at the loss of her child, know what had happened to the princess.

Still recovering from the shock that her daughter had not perished she could only ask for an explanation, being the only witness to the events other than Riveria.

The family had demanded an audience with the Royale couple and upon explaining what had happened, the King had to make one of the toughest decisions of his life.

He knew he could not pardon Laurelei of her crime for it had happened in front of him and the father, what type of message would that send to others that might commit the same crime?


The next morning, in the courtroom everyone who could be present were there. It was to be a monumental occasion, the first kin-slayer in the last 500 years.

Laurelei was bound in metal manacles connecting her elbows to her ankles, laying on her side. This was done to put her in the most uncomfortable position should she choose to try and escape.

With the entrance of both the king and queen the atmosphere grew heavy and the process for execution took place.

Right before the sap of an Elven Rose, a massive red flower that only grows at the top of the world tree, could be given to Laurelei to allow for a painless death the king halted the process.

"I can not, in good faith let the murderer of my dear friend, be given such an easy way to not take responsibility for her actions" he returned the rose to a container and faced the bound Laurelei again. "Live. That is my order to you. Live with the consequences of your actions, live with the title you have been given and know that all shall remember who you are. Live in banishment, never to call these forests your home."

As she was dragged out of the courtroom and into a secure wagon, that was the last anyone heard of the 'Kin-Slayer'.

This was the day that Laurelei Emar-Vlei became no more.