꧁ Pt. 2.1 They Met each other again!! ꧂

2 weeks passed, Ner couldn't get that girl out of his head. Every day he dreamed about her, every time he saw her dancing in his dream.

Every time again. At some point he couldn't take it anymore.

He looked on all social networks, to see if he would find her, but his search went in vain, he did not find her.

The next day, he tried again, but when he saw that there was no result, he stopped.

After 1 week he went to a restaurant with Joe and James to eat there.

It was his lucky day .

He saw her.

The others saw her too and began to laugh.

"James, look over there"

"Why?" James said

"You wanted to know who that lady was that made Ner get a erection, right? Look she's here"

"Bro, don't say my name okay?"

"Ner, go and introduce yourself"

"Damn dude, why do I have to hurry?"

"When James and I have to go to her, it'll be for our own good."

"Ugh, are we going to eat or..."

"Are we going to eat, are we going to eat? EAT WITH HER, bullshit, get out of here!" Joe yelled loudly.

"All right, I'm going, you're going to pay yourself , I'm not paying, because y'all chased me away"

"Ooh yeah you don't have to, get yours ass out of here"

"Go Ner, don't act as an idiot" James said.

Ner got up and walked over to Teddy.

Teddy who was sitting at the table with Maya and Selaya, saw him coming.

Maya and Selaya also saw him.

"Teddddyyy Look Who's Coming"

"I'm not BLIND, Maya."

"Good afternoon, ladies," Ner said when he arrived.

"AHEM" Teddy cleared her throat.

"Good afternoon" they said back, and Ner just sat between them without asking if he could sit with them.

"Teddy, I'm going to order some extra," Selaya said and stood up.


"Teddy... I have to go do something too" Maya said

"Why are you guys leaving ?"

"Sorry, I just remembered that I had to do something"

"Ugh, Alright."

"They're just leaving you on your own"

"As always.."

"So... how are you?"

"Hmm not so good but I'm trying, and you?"

"I'm always fine so yeah..."


"Do you have a boyfriend?"

*Why in God's name does he ask that .. tf ?* Teddy thought. *So straightforward.*

"No, I don't have a boyfriend, I don't want a boyfriend, for now.

"Why not?"

"Too much stress...don't have time for that."

"Just like that..."

"It's not just, I don't like to stress about unnecessary things and..."

"...Then you shouldn't stress, right"

"Easy said right "

*Ner giggles "Alright"

While J'nero and Tedira were talking, Joe and James looked at them.

"Look at his mouth, that guy is laughing so happily.." James said thinking that he's a comedian.

" Yeah leave him, atleast he learns to communicate with girls" Joe said back.

"If Ner succeeds in having a relationship with her, his mom would be really angry" James tried to explain.

"Do you think that Ner's worried, he's not worried, as long as he can find someone to play the part of his gf, he's good." Joe said thinking that he's standing up for Ner.

"That is if he doesn't fall in love with her..." James assumed.

"....that's something else...." Joe said.

"If he fucks her, you'd also say that it's something else?"James asked.

"It's another difference yes, because then it is just for satisfaction , he just wants to be satisfied "Joe answered.

"He wants to be satisfied, you think she'd be satisfied?" James asked again.

"If she'd be satisfied, that would be another point , by the way girls nowadays just want money, if the dude doesn't have that, he can f*ck off" Joe said.

"Joe... if Ner isn't going to be with her, I'll apply." James said jokingly

"You want to apply, she won't even look at you, you'd rather stay with your wh*re." Joe answered irritated.

"My heart, I felt that" James cried out.

"That's because you're stupid, you want to apply, when I want her too, Ner has to pay attention, the moment he leaves her...she'd be mine..." Joe said optimistic.

"You have dog manners.."

"No...i don't have any dog manners, I already told Ner, , he must pay attention, the moment he leaves her, he should know that at that moment he has lost a jewel."

"Joee... you are a dog"

"How so?" Joe asked as if he was surprised.

"So if I have a girl, we break up, you're just going to have a relationship with her"

"Sure, as long as she's not the whore you're with right now."

"You know what, I'm leaving, I don't feel like talking to you Joe"

*"Just like that?, I said I'm not going to take your whore, even if you throw it away like a piece of wood or something, I'm going to leave it there, try to understand me bro"


"Where are you even going?"

"I'm going straight to my whore"

"Ugh let me go to Ner "

" I am coming too "

They fought all the way until they were at J'nero and Tedira.

"Hey , I see that the conversation is getting serious here."

"Joe what are you doing here?"

"Hm , well I came to check, if you still needed me, if not I'm leaving"

"I don't need you, and James? What's the matter with you?"

"Teddyyy, how are you?" said Joe, interrupting Ner.

Ner said nothing more.

"It's okay, can't complain"

"Hmm ok, then I'll go, if you can't complain."


"Uhg, he's finally gone, meddlesome he is"

" Why do you say that?" Tedira chuckled

"Because it's like that" Ner said.

"So... can you come to my birthday, only if it's possible?"

"Uhm.. when is that?"

"The 24th of October "

" Hmmm I'll see if I can come , I'll have to look if I'm free"

"Okaayy..in case you can make it, how would you..come?"

"Well I really don't know, maybe I'll ask Maya to drop me off."

"Oh okay, good, otherwise I'd ask someone to pick you up, but okay" Ner said and continued his conversation with the following question:

"So how young are you anyway?"

"I'm 24 now, but I'll be 25 in December."

"When of December?"




"So actually I don't have to cook on December 31st.."

"Haahaa, well ofcourse you have to cook, because I'm not going to cook, I'm not even going to have a party"

"Girl's it's the end of year and your birthday, you're not going to have party or cook-out?, girl, , don't let me say anything"


"Why do you 'hihihi' like that, soon ..."

"Soon what?"

"Nah never mind"


"Child, you laugh too much , instead of giving me your phone number"

"Haaahaa, why are you like that"

"How am I? Child, give me your number girl"

"Say PLEASE!?"

"As what do you see me? Girl you may eat your phone number it's not a must"

"Hmmmm hahaha, as long as you don't talk politely you won't get it!"

"Have I not been polite enough? Sweetheart, can I have your number?"

" Haaahaahaaaa, look at your face, so innocent, while..." Tedira laughed at him

"While what, girl..."

"Be patient, ... Joe has my number, you can ask him for it"

"YOU have to give It to me yourself"

"Here, cause you want to kill me just because of a phone number."

"Thank you, only now can we talk business"

"I thought you were leaving..."

"What.. you don't want me here?"

"I did not say that.."

"Teddy...that's your name, isn't it..."


"Let's keep it sophisticated, ok.. I don't like to be rude, especially how I coincidentally saw you today"


Ner looked at Teddy's lips, and started biting his own lip, then licked his lips. Teddy, who's never noticing things, didn't notice Ner looking directly at her.

"Teddy.." (he said softly, as if to moan/cry) "I have to go, I'll call you later" and cleared his throat.

"Okay.. good"

And Ner walked away with his hand on his head.

"Ner bro, how was it?"

"Joe don't start"

"Tell me..I want to know"

"It was reasonable..."

"Do you have that number?"


"Hmmm Ner, why so rude, I'll give you the number"

"No thank you, you could have done that earlier."

"What is it, are you angry or something?"

"YES I'M ANGRYY, can I have privacy Joe, please"

Ner said in an angry tone and then in a sweet tone".


Afterwards Ner called Teddy

They talked for over an hour.

"So...what do you think...?"

"Dude...I'm really not ready for that..."

"...why not...listen..."

"...I said I'm not ready okay.."

"... are you not ready to have a man, or are you not ready to have an relationship?"


"..you really let me talk a lot.."

"...You want to talk a lot..."

"...If I come over at your place , iwon't be pretty..."


"... you force me to talk to you like this..."

"..I'm going to disconnect the call"

"..do it...and you'll see if I wouldn't be at your door.."

"HAHAHAA...you have a big mouth"

"....My mouth is big...I'm not going to say anything..you'll see later"

"..I'm going to sleep.. Bye."

"...Bye.." Ner still held his phone in his hand and shouted out loud: SH*T.

Then he went to bed.

Ner's birthday was approaching, everyone had to put on red for their birthday, and their clothes were made by Ner's aunt, who was a rich and popular tailor.

He also had a piece of clothing made for Teddy. And then brought it to her.

It suited her, but it was too sexy, you could see it right away.

But she liked it and decided to take it anyway and thanked Ner for it.