꧁ Pt. 4 Suwena's Marriage ꧂


"Yes Ner..."

"This place is so cheap.... Khazana own's this place?" Ner asked while driving his car ( an Audi Q8) inside.

"I don't know Ner.. this is my first time here.....LOOK OUT NER...I want to get back home safe"

"Hmmm don't yell, Teddy...i can't go inside...nope.....I can't go inside , this a cheap inviroment"

"Okayy then I'm going in, without you, to experience their blessing.. you're already irritating me.."

"Heeyyy...calm down...I'll be right in...don't go in alone, their benediction would be done in here? I thought they would have their reception here..I'm coming, i want to see this fr "

" -I thought they had reception here-

"Have you seen your mouth, all you can think of is food,"

"But hmmm...leave me alone....they will get their blessing inside, I don't mind going inside on my own."

"Uhmmm Ner..before we go in..I'm going to start telling you this, because you shouldn't complain!!"

"Tell me"

"We're going to sit in the back...well...i was a request... that we should sit in the back-" Ner interrupted Teddy.

"I'm sorry, but why?"

"We're family but-" He interrupted her again.


"Don't interrupt me Ner! It's annoying"


"We are family but ,

it's just that, just because my mother divorced my father, that's why we aren't authorized to sit there as a legal family. Let's say..Suwena is recognized but not a biological child of my father..but because my father married her mom. That's how she became my stepsister... and her mother's family, -because her mother has the title as the wife of my father and not my mom-, my father and her biological father, may - according to them-...sit in the front. And since my mama has no title, we have to sit in the back like strangers plus because he's my ex..the groom's family shouldn't see me."

"Wow..but if it's like that...why do they force you and your fam to come and why shouldn't your ex fam see you?"

"If we aren't present at the...he wouldn't recognize us as his children and they told Jur's family that I was disabled because of a accident"

"Tf..who's lying like that. The person who said that won't live long...the same thing they wish for you goes back to them twice....bruh....i don't get it...and wasn't your mom married to him?"

"No...never...My parents were going to get married but...the moment they started making their plans...Suwe's mother came to work as a maid...Daddy fell in love...and here they are now...."

"So you were there already.."


"You are the oldest"

"No my brother is, I am the 2nd and my sister is the last.. at the time mom was expecting her" *to give birth to her sister-Shalini*

"Ooohhh, now I get it...okay. But you didn't want to attend the wedding?"

"Yeah , i don't care about getting recognized..as a family member... they aren't my family anymore, the day my father left my mom was the day he lost my respect"

"But why are you here now?"

"Dude...you said : either we attend this fake marriage with you or sex?!!

"Right" Ner Giggled

"Can we inside now?"

"yes mammy"

They got out of the car and entered the hall. It was quite busy, way too busy, for a dedication service.

"Teddy,this is where you have to sit??!!"

"Ner..come on..I already explained this to you..."

"No worries...they act like shit...." Ner said softly, but his voice was so light that the people in front of them heard him.


"Sorry... Teddy, he's your ex? mamie..come on you wanted to kill yourself for this??....at one point he looked like Scar and at the other side of his face..he looks like that italian talking sea lion from that Madagascar cartoon , what's it's name again... ohh yes..Stefano. " he said in a manly voice.

The people sitting in front of them laughed, when they turned around and saw Ner they were very shocked.

They asked him why he was sitting there.

"Well..my dear people...I don't see the bride yet...so I'm going to tell you...through a known source...unknown to you...I've been told that family members are supposed to sit here."

Everyone was confused.

"Sir... family members are in the front...members of the church are in the back because we are not 'family'."

"Teddy do you hear that"


The bride came and everyone got up.

Everyone except Ner.

He sent a message for Joe.

The 'churchly wedding' ended.

The reception was held near a river. While Ner went home with Teddy for a while, Joe drove off (unbeknownst to Teddy) to pick up Teddy's mother and children with their driver. They would only go to the reception.

"But...Teddy..i'm really getting bored"

"You wanted to meet my family, didn't you?"

"Yeah but what's this...why didn't they go to flexmall or something..." he said while waiting for an unexpected..ride, that he planned.

"Would you pay for them?" (it's not a real mall but you know,a place where rich people like to go (P.S Ner also owned that flexx of a mall)

"I thought your dad and his people had money...if they didn't have enough money to afford a luxurious place, they just could've asked me.?"

"Shut up and drive"

"Hmm why so aggressive?"

"Ner...how long do you want to stay? We're late already.."

"Don't worry.. my driver is coming to get us"

"HEH...boy you got time"

"Why do you want to go early....they won't give us food anyway"


"Come here mammy...don't be so mad!" Ner put his arms around her. Just when his soft lips touched Teddy's, a limo began to honk.

"I'm coming...damn..." Ner yelled.

They entered the limo and Teddy had the shock of her life.

"Mom ,Gio, Shalini, w-waa-what are you doing here?"

"Teddy sit down..."

"Why Are You Yelling Ner"

"Sorry...please sit."


"Yes mom.."

"Who is that young gentleman"

"Uhm..Ma..He's -:

"I am J'Nero Femz, pleased to meet you"

"Ner!!" shouted Shalini.." omg...Mommy it's Ner!!!"

"Wow" Ner said with a laugh.

"But Gio...Teddy...what's happening here."

"Uhm Shali... uh"

"I'm Teddy's boyfriend,.."

"WHAT" Shalini and her mother didn't understand..


Ner could only smile.

"I'll tell you everytime when i'll visit you, okay?"

"Ner...tell your driver to drive fast...he drives like a grandpa, we're late"

"Calm down... we'll be there in a minute..."

"Soon everyone will look shocked at us" Shalini said a little later

The Limo stopped. And everyone's attention was drawn to the Limo instead of the bridal couple.

Teddy's mother got out first with the help of the driver, then Shalini and Gio. After they got out, Ner decided to wait in the Limo with Teddy (They had unfinished business). The others waited outside for them.


"What's up again.."

"You're not angry are you?"

"Angry for what?"

"You know...that I spilled the tea"

"Oh yes I'm mad and I want to get out now"

"I thought I was going to get a kiss..."

"Uhmm no, only if you behave yourself.."

"Okayy.." Ner said excitedly "We should go out now" He said.

When Ner got out of the Limo, everyone stood up out of curiosity.

The bridal couple also stood up.

"Jur...are you seeing, what i am seeing?... is that Ner..? Ooh what a surprise.. i think thay Daddy invited him to perform" Suwe said with joy.

But then she saw Teddy coming out, and Ner held her hands.

*Ner please don't do anything sick* Teddy thought.

Well, like an attention-seeker, Ner kissed her on the lips.

Everyone saw it, including Suwe and her husband. They stood there in shock and watched the 2 enter their Reception.

And yes, as expected.. they had to sit on the back 'again' as if they were not related to the newlyweds. ( Sadly, they didn't know that Ner had something with Teddy...they'd understand later)

Everyone forgot about the newlyweds and looked at Ner and the girl sitting next to him as if it was their wedding.

Alot of people began to talk.

"Ner Why"

"I think this place needed a little entertainment, it's too boring"

"And if I slap you now -"

"-What... have I done something wrong"

"Yes Ner, how do you-" Again everyone looked up.

Joe arrived with Ner's Lamborghini Aventador LP 780-4.

He just bought her *The Lamborghini* a day ago. Phew, he loved this car..and on top of that, he got the chance today to ride his sweet Teddy in it.

Ner was so excited that he asked Teddy to say goodbye to the newlyweds...so they could leave.

"Hi, Suwe ...Jur... Congratulations on your marriage"

"Thanks" said Jur without looking.

"Unfortunately I have to leave, so Ijust come say hi, good luck with your marriage sister, bye"

Teddy walked back to Ner and they walked away hand in hand... while the whole area was silent. She got to sit in front, in Ner's Lamborghini. And away they were... with LOTS of noise. Gio, Shalini and his mother decided to leave too. This time Joe rode with them.

"Teddy, Do you like her"


"Child...my car"

"Ooh.. it's nice"

"Just 'nice' pff" Ner gave a sigh "Do you want one?"

"Sorry what did you say"

"Teddy, are you there?"

"Yeah it's just... oh never mind".

"Do you want another kiss..."

"Ugh Ner ... can you take me home, I'm tired."

Hope you loved this oneシ︎ꨄ︎

With love from Sꨄ︎