Chapter 5

"Ah. A point worth taking down notes for. Good, we're getting to know a little better. We might just work out."

"I-I need to go," I said when my nervousness picked up the intensity when he carefully patted my head like a pet.

"See you around," he said before opening the door himself and letting me through. Then he stopped me again when he grabbed my wrist. "A kiss."

"A-a what?"

"We're a proper couple now. We should get used to greeting each other with a kiss," he said in an innocent face.

Gah! This guy is killing me.

When I didn't move, he leaned over his face towards me and quickly plant a soft kiss on my cheek. I blinked at him in surprise when he returned to his office and shut the door close.

Gah! My first kiss was stolen!

Hades, you psycho! I internally screamed before running away from that place.


"So, how was the talk yesterday?" Maia asked while she wrote on the ledger about the expenses to be requested for the upcoming activity of the school club.

"Not great and I think I'll develop heart disease soon," I complained while typing in speed on my laptop. I need to print the agenda of the meeting which will be held later on.

"But did he agree though?"

"Yes and with conditions."

"What sort?" Maia put down her ledger and looked at me.

"Are you done? Harriet will reprimand me if I don't finish this on time."

"Well, hurry it up. I'll do the printing. I don't want you to get scolded in the presence of all the guild Alphas." Maia said which made me stopped form typing.

"Excuse me, what?"

Maia just chuckled at me. "I don't know where your mind fled but the agenda is in your hands. Read it will you?"

Hearing that, I did a quick scan and I can't help but be shocked.

"Oi. Be shocked but don't stop typing." Maia suggested and stack a few pieces of bond papers on the printer.

"Harriet must have lost her mind. What on earth is she thinking?" I remarked, doubling up my speed.

"Well, she wants to unite all the guilds to foster peace in the school."

"That's impossible. I don't think the packs' leaders would allow such atrocity." I said.

"Newsflash baby. She actually persuaded all the Alphas to participate in the meeting."

"Including Hunter?"

"Yup. Don't forget our club president is the school crush. She can be very persuasive with no record of a miss on her target goal. A real she-wolf with charms as her pheromones."


"Hurry up. I saw them coming here already." Maia stood up from the seat and went to the printer while I finalize the document before clicking the print button.

While waiting for the printing process to progress, Maia and I watched Harriet converse lively to the Alphas. She's most especially chatty with Hunter of Black Lily and Neil of Blue flame. Those two hideous leaders, known to be ruthless monsters in the school, are listening to Harriet and responding to her politely.

After printing, Maia and I went ahead to the meeting room where the rest of the officers were tasked to set up the venue. My eyes lit up when I saw Gian fixing Harriet's microphone on her desk.

"Here's one copy for you, vice president." I couldn't stop the smile on my face when Gian smiled at me as he accepted the paper.

"You're amazing, Layla. Thanks for your hard work."

"Anything for you, I-I mean, for the club. Anything for the club. Hehe."

I felt Maia pull me to my own seat when I intend to stand there in front of Gian and admire him all day.

"You might want to hold your horses. Hunter is watching you." Maia whispered frantically.

"What? He's here?" I asked in alarm and my eyes met with lord Hades. "He looks angry. Did he see me acting stupidly towards Gian?"

"Every. Single. Thing. Now, I should say goodbye to you in advance since Hades looks quite piss." Maia said in a tone to scare me. "If you don't want anything to happen with either you and Gian, go appease your guy."

"H-how? Help me. Oh no, he's eyeing Gian. What's he's gonna do to him? Will there be a fight?"

Instead of answering me, Maia hauled me up to my seat and practically threw me in Hunter's direction.

When I'm already face to face with Hunter, I smiled widely at him. "BABE! I didn't know you were coming to the meeting!"

I heard Maia's stifled laugh and the rest of the officers gasp at my bravery.

Thankfully, Hunter's attention shifted to mine. "How are you?"

"Your expression tells me that I caught you cheating."He growled in a whisper.

"I'm not." I lied defiantly.

"Yeah? We'll see about that. Meet me at the guild after this meeting." Hunter said and went to go into his seat when the rest of the Alphas along with Harriet came inside.

The whole time that Harriet was speaking with eloquence to all the leaders f the school, I spent it concocting various ways how to avoid meeting Hunter later. I might look like typing the minutes of the meeting on my laptop but honestly, I'm nervous as hell.

"You're not typing it right, Layla."

I looked to my right and Gian was pointing something on my screen.

"There, everything is wrong. The date, the budget, and the spelling." Gian corrected.

"Oh, my bad. I got lots of my mind." I apologize and tried correcting everything.

"Here. Let me do it." Gian snatched the laptop away from me and started typing the minutes himself.

"I'm sorry."

"This is your first by the way." Gian smiled at me. If I don't have the weight on my chest right now, I would have swooned at his charm. "Tell me, is he bothering you? Maybe I can do something about it."

" You shouldn't involve."

"Why not? Aren't we close with each other? You're one of my pack."

"No. No. It's just...well, it's between me and my boyfriend."

I have no idea why Gian's expression fell for a moment before he smiled at me. "Too bad then."
