Chapter 15

I heard him muttered a single word unfamiliar to me and then something happened. Or much likely to say, something occurred in those few seconds.

The other nine orcs were already down the ground with their limbs separated from their body. I could have wondered how did it happen if I didn't see it with my own eyes.

Hunter growled under his throat before he swung a very gigantic scythe to the leader orc who swung its ax towards him in anger. But he was nimble, leaping on the back of the orc. I held my breath for how long I could remember when Hunter lifted his conjured weapon in such fashion that anyone would think he's a dark angel in battle with demons. His eyes glinted different as if he knows no mercy when he finally beheaded the beast with one clean cut of the black scythe.

Silence then followed as he landed on the ground, letting the headless body of the leader orc fell down behind him. He swung his weapon in infinity symbols before it disappeared off his magic. What the freak was that? I haven't seen that one before all my life!

His eyes searched the ground before it rested on mine. His eyes were in scarlet, fairly different from its usual color. His gazes were still predatory when he stalked in my direction. I felt parched on my throat all of the sudden.

I sat promptly despite the cracking of my bones as he began held my gaze me in such manner that only belonged to an untamed predator. I could have survived those damn orcs but I think this Alpha's tempter will be the death of me. Oh no, why did he look angry? Am I gonna be sliced to pieces too?

When he crouched down to my eye level, I instinctively close my own and flinched when he covered my right cheek with his hand. For someone I suspected to hurt me, it made me wondered why he held me gently there?

"Where are you hurting?"

A soothing voice asked me that made me opened my eyes and met his. It was still bloody red and yet, his aura wasn't anything dangerous anymore.

"E-everywhere..." I answered and I had no idea why I felt like crying in front of him. If he came too late, I would have been a meal to those blasted orcs or worse, found mangled badly on the ground.

"Good job in calling for us. We made it in time. You did a great job, Lala." He said and finally encased me into a hug and patted my back.

And I didn't know such gesture finally blurred my vision as I buried my face on his chest, hiding from the onlookers who arrived in the place for awhile now.


Maia's POV:

I blew a sigh of relief after I saw that Layla was safe un Hunter's arms.

The moment that Layla cut off the connection between us, I felt ultimately nervous for her, knowing that she already spotted the berserker's location.

I didn't wait for anything as I ran to the meeting point that Hunter instructed us to gather if anything was amiss. Padding in rocky path, I lifted my snout in the air and howled loudly, in hope that any nearby wolves would hear me and pass the message towards the other wolves to gather in the rendezvous.

It didn't take awhile for me to arrive at the clearing. I searched for any wolves to appear there after me and no one came there even if I waited for five minutes. I got no time to dillydally any longer as I decided to get into Layla's location myself.

In the path leading towards the cliff side where Layla was assigned into, she was blocked by the other wolves who responded to her calling. Then Hunter appeared before them.

"What's the matter?"

"Layla found their location but I think she engages into a fight." I explained and almost immediately, Hunter's eyes became scarlet as he transformed into human form, leaving only on his gray trouser.


"Our connection was disconnected-"

All of our ears perked up in air as we heard a loud howl coming from a certain direction. The wolves immediately dashed to that direction fast, disregarding if we literally had to jump over the fallen tress along the way. Such call sounded desperate and hurt. Layla never sounded like that before and hearing that broke me.

Then all of the sudden, Hunter disappeared from our side with a blink of an eye and despite the urgency of the situation, I can't helped but observed how he was still keeping up with our speed on his human form even outrunning all of us. He got speed that I thought was unmatched.

In a distance, we already sniffed the foul smell of decaying meat around and the ugliness of the chaos done by the berserkers.

Then all of us saw that ten healthy and large-bodied berserkers charged in rage to Layla who was running in two feet, cuddling two rabbits across her chest. I know that Layla knew that turning into a human form in the middle of a fight was pretty bad move. But the rabbits on her hold justified Layla's stupidity. But I can't still helped but be angry about it.

I tried running fast, getting ahead of all the wolves in hope that I won't be too late to save my friend.

I couldn't be more taken aback when Hunter appeared in front of those beasts and attacked them in combination of wolf form and through a conjured weapon that I only heard from our lecturer in the school.

Before any of the wolves could touch any of the beast, Hunter already eliminated nine of them leaving him in showdown with the biggest orc with an ax. I was amazed and startled at the same time when the Alpha effortlessly cut the head of the orc.

I was left speechless, beholding such wolf killed those gigantic animals like it was a mere child's play for him to do so.