Chapter 29

Jal's POV (Continuation...)

The orcs grumbled in excitement and the one with the bearded ax said something in their own language. 

Just in that exact moment, the girl woke up, and like a puppet, she started to move and managed to push herself away from Hunter.

"Layla, don't do this." Hunter reached for his hand towards her but she didn't answer him and just stood there waiting.

"Make her sleep again, Hunter. Quickly, they're using her. " The chief instructed, catching up what were the orcs' plans.

The leader orc grumbled something which sent the girl on autopilot to conjure weapons again and begin attacking our alpha who didn't even flinch as he blocked her blade with his hands again.

The other orcs sprinted forward in our direction. Apparently, there soon be bloodbaths before the sun would set on the border between the two countries.