chapter 36

Layla's POV (Continuation)

" That's hilarious. Good one though." I had to laugh at that and waited for Maia to crack up too. But she appeared rather serious about what she said. "You're reading too much of his action."

"I wasn't." Maia defended. "Look, I now what I saw and it's legit making me feel the goosebumps. That's a man who truly care for somebody. I knew that an alpha had an intense side of him but it was actually my first time seeing it. It was overwhelming."

"He might just be feeling obliged to heal me since it was his sentinels who put me through those endeavors." I said.

"Hell, that man alone conjured a sun inside the clinic just to give his girlfriend the needed dopamine. Who does that?"

"A sun? Really?" I had my doubts right there. Like Maia was overly exaggerating already.