Chapter 40

Layla's POV

I wipe my mouth from the leak of the red concoction and waited for Hunter to wake up. But he wasn't even moving at all. "Hunner?" I called out. 

There was silence at first before I heard a rumble from behind. When I turned to the source of it, I was horrified to see that blasted berserker, grinning at me.

"You come too late."

Hearing that, I gripped a handful of Hunter's shirt as I glared at the apparition of the berserker. I knew that beast wasn't there with me in the first place. But it was starting to take a form like gradually filling the space with its presence. I think he was starting to replace Hunter's consciousness and take over his body.

I can't have that.

It would be climactic and there would be blood in the wolf race nation.

"You still can't win," I said, though in a shaky voice. I don't know if it was due to fear or Hunter's gradual demise.