Chapter 42

Layla's POV

It was two days later when I was finally declared from the hospital and the doctors remarked that I was fully nourished back to health. 

Now going back to my studies at Tazzen university, I had to make up for my missed classes. And that was why I was buried alive in books in the library with w huge sign on my forehead to not disturb me or I'll bite. It warded off people from sitting along with me at the table. However, it didn't work with my friends at all. 

Now, Maia, Kanali, and Jira were hovering their asses on my face in that library.

"You're not supposed to push yourself too hard, Layla," Maia said.

"Look at his tag on her forehead. Ha!" Kanali referred to the paper that I wrapped around my head.

"It should mean for everyone to back off and not disturb me." I said, "And that includes the three of you."

"Oh come on, Layla. You need a better or stronger talisman to do that" Jira laughed.