Chapter 50

Layla's POV (Continuation)


I was cooking something basic food for breakfast since Hunter wont' leave me alone for it. 

"Hunner! It's ready!" I called out loudly as I peeked my head into the garden where he was taking his call. 

He turned to me while still talking to his phone and gestured that he will finish the call first. I shrugged my shoulders and went back the kitchen again. When I woke up alone in the bed, I had the chance to partially saw what was outside the window of the room. 

Hunter wasn't lying last night that we were literally in mountain top. It was insane to even have one great big house in the top of an active volcano. Yes, you heard me right. My ass was currently sitting to an active lava spitting volcano. 

I knew Hunter was someone unusual but I didn't know that his madness stretch this far.It was like playing ping pong to mother nature itself.