Chapter 61

Hunter's POV (Continuation...)

I didn't waste no time as I dashed on that guy who dared speak of Layla like that. Before his smile left his face, my palm already grabbed his full face, slamming him down the ground with the back of his head. 

The ground concaved at the impact and the bastard's head filled the hole created in the ground. The two reacted slowly as their eyes widened on how fast I brought one of them down the ground. 

I stood up slowly and directed my eyes to the other two who had their eyes on the unmoving man that I just beat with a single move. "Now, where were we?" I asked them, stalking to their direction as they began to step back away from me.

"W-who are you?" 

"I don't do introduction in a fight. Now, let's get this over with." I gestured for the both of them to come to me at once. They didn't move an inch from where they stood. "Should I do it then?"