Chapter 63

Hunter's POV ( Continuation...)

I watched the chief sighed. "I'll tell the king that you're still occupied with the matter in Tazzen."

"You can directly tell him that I'm not coming back."

"You can't really refuse the king, Hunter." The chief said. "We ought to serve him even with the expense with our life."

"I don't blindly follow orders, chief. You might as well try doing it." Hunter said. "It's liberating."

"We can never be free from the king. Every wolf on this nation should be loyal to him and that means answering his calls."

"You know damn well why I'm being like this."

"I know. I understand you. It's been too long, Hunter since the incident. The king did what he did to preserve your sanity."

"He only wants my abilities and strength. No more than that."

"The king deem you valuable."

"Yeah. I know. That's why he had to lie to me."

"It is to make you stay."