Chapter 84

"You...c-can't win me..." I said in the voice not mine anymore. But the will behind was raw that it made the monster growled at me angrily.

When I was certain that I had control over myself just a little bit, I dived in the water until I reached the inner entrance of the dungeon. The black gate where the elf was guarding it had greeted me. I walked passed by her as I broke the chains in there and pushed the heavy door open.

"You're unwell, lord Hakyi," she said as she followed behind me.

"Find me a remedy of this curse and never let me go out from the cell," I instructed hastily and immediately saw myself inside the empty confinement reserved for the most dangerous beast that I planned on hunting on every rise of the red moon.

"What curse you, Lord?" she asked, tarrying outside the bars as I slammed shut the door behind her. I turned to the heavy chains in there, put a charm on them, and let it enclose me tightly on my arms and legs.