Chapter 138

Layla's POV ( Continuation…) (1246 words)

I watched Rhena curiously and wondering how her expression wasn't complementing her aura. I don't know how it happened but I think that she was trying to manipulate me or something. Of course I know the student whom she was referring.

Kareena. That new girl, Pristine's newly appointed secretary in the officer's club. It was my first time hearing that she was one of Hunter's exes. No wonder she was glaring at me like that the first time we met in the school.

"Whether I'd be dump by Hunter or not, I think it's high time for you to mind your own?" I said, completely losing interest on watching Hunter on the track. I faced her completely and no matter how different do we look from each other, especially I in a shabby sport's clothes, the situation triggered my inner confidence.