Book 2: Chapter 20

The following days, Layla didn't dare go the gym early, not wanting to have an encounter with Hunter in the guild. One week had passed and they all gathered along with the others in the gym.

Layla saw the changes among the rest of them. As if the division was a good move, yielding an expected results as predicted by none other than their evaluators.

"Listen up. As we are closing to the end of this training, everyone shall undergo a field experience along with your respective sentinels." It was Osiris who had spoken.

"By field experience, you mean the real deal?" Shiela asked.

" Next week, everyone will be assigned in certain locations where rogue wolves are sighted. It will be your job to guard your location and annihilate uncontrolled rogues." Hunter said.

" Or if they could be reason with, capturing them is an achievement too. We are after information from them." Osiris added.