Book 2: Chapter 28

Layla had no idea for how long they had travelled. She actually slept her exhaustion away and ignore the ringing pain on her head as much as possible.

Then she was carried again by the same guy who didn't hesitate to threw her on the hard ground again. She couldn't help the moan escaping her mouth at the hard contact of her body to the hard and damp concrete floor.

'Bastard.' Layla thought. Her senses then alerted in a familiar voice, cursing the men nonstop while crying.

"Boss we got another girlfriend. I think they had broken up as well. She won't make any difference. " Said the guy, removing Layla's covering on the face.

Layla squinted her eyes when the place was actually very bright with halogen lights. Her eyes then adjusted and immediately searched that voice. She met eyes to eyes with Hunter's mate-- Pristine Dastral.