Chapter 62: What Do We Do With Them?

Hearing Arabella's voice and what she said, I briefly turn towards her and then I hear the witch speaking again. As I turn around to face her, I see that she has turned the page and quickly starts speaking another spell. Her lips move like lightning and then I stop her suddenly when I rip out her tongue, by grasping it between my forefinger and thumb.

Horrified by this, she cries and tries to scream, but can't. The whole thing is terrifying to watch and all the people in the room watching gasp before shielding their eyes from the black blood that seeps out of where her tongue was just a moment before. When she finally stops and stares at me, I hurry and tie her back up before rushing over to the pups.

On my way to Arabella, I look back and see the warlock trying to stand up. I yell to the guards, "Make sure they stay down, I will be back in a second. I need to make sure that the pups are alright before I continue."

As I wipe my blood-stained hands on the back of my jeans, I hurry over to Arabella and the pups before leaning down and kissing each one of them. They look healthy and happy, but what was she spouting out of that filthy mouth of hers? What was the spell meant to do? I just hope I caught her in time because it is too late now.

Hugging them all, I hold them tight for a minute, until I tell them, "I love you all, but I need to take care of something right now." When I stand up, I look Arabella in the eye and continue in a much quieter voice, "I am going to have a couple of them help you with the pups upstairs. I don't want you to be alone till the doctor is in custody." Then I kiss her softly on the lips and then smile before returning to the witch and warlock.

After telling a few of the guards to go with Arabella and the pups, I continue what I started. I hear someone in the group ask, "What do we do with them?"

I shake my head and after pounding some sense into the warlock, I get what I want and behead them quickly, just as promised. Once, I start back up to the main floor, I begin to wonder where the good doctor is now. Then I hear something ahead of me and look up to see someone running away.

Curious, I follow them and realize that it is one of the Omega's. It's in fact, Omega Marlene and she has just run into her room before anyone could spot her or so she thinks. I wonder if she has anything to do with this.

While heading towards the hospital, I stop for a second to wipe the blood off my hands again. This isn't something I want the doctor seeing certainly. Especially, when I don't want him to know that I have found out he is responsible for everything.

Sighing, I regret that it is him, because he is a good doctor and now when he is gone, we won't have one for the time being. That is until we get the chance to get a new one from one of the neighboring towns. "It's a downright shame." I murmur under my breath right before I open the front doors to the hospital and walk into the lobby.

It is less than a mile walk, but in the time it took to get their from the castle, it gave me time to think of what I am going to say to him. When I walk up to the guard at the front desk, I smile and ask quietly, "Can you please fetch the doctor for me? Tell him that his king needs to ask him something."

Omega Laurence nods and then stands up, but before he goes to get him, he asks, "I heard a commotion earlier, is everything alright?"

I nod and fake another smile before he finally turns to leave. As I watch him walk out of the room, I find that I didn't notice Omega Charlotte staring at me. I smile and ask, "I hope you are having a good day?" Before I notice the doctor walking out with Omega Laurence.

The moment he sees the look in my eyes, the doctor bolts towards the doors to the back. He runs faster than I thought he could, and I admittedly have a hard time keeping up with him. Finally, I do catch him and grab ahold of his shoulder, before spinning him around to face me.

Too late, he lashes out at me with his claws and his eyes have already changed, the rest of him is soon to follow if I don't stop him now. I must jump back to escape his razor-sharp claws and then lunge forward to attack while his guard is down. Managing to land a blow to his arm, I stop him from leading again with that side and now he is forced to attack with the other one. This gives me the upper hand.

I growl and then while landing another blow to his side this time as I hear my claws hit bone and it makes a crunching sound, I ask, "Why?"

With blood all over his face, he stops and laughs. That's right, I said he laughs at me. It infuriates me so much that I can't tolerate it anymore. Instead, I take his head in both hands and twist it clear around, as I rip his head off. "Great, now I will never know why he did it, and I will have to hope that no one else was involved."

No one ever said that in the heat of battle, we think completely with our brains. Sometimes, when the wolf takes over, we can't stop him no matter what. With this in mind, I take pleasure in knowing that at least for the moment, the battle is won, and my family is safe, or at least, I hope.

Walking back to the bedroom with blood drenched clothes, I begin to wonder if this whole thing will ever be over. Thinking back to an earlier thought about making a safe kingdom for everyone, I stop in the middle of the hallway for a second, before turning the knob and opening the door. When I hear laughter inside, a smile spreads across my face and I close my eyes before sighing.

"Now that's what everyone needs to hear at a time like this one." I mutter before entering the room and watching Arabella and the pups playing a game.